The Internet is slowly destroying my faith in mankind. Seriously, we're getting so screwed up that we're going to bomb ourselves stupid just to see what death feels like. Nearly anything you'll find on the Internet makes the human race look that stupid.
Particularly, I'm reffering to a very long, and extremely boring movie here. Don't watch it; your time is too precious. I turned it off right after I heard something about mormon temples. They look like this:
Beautiful, isn't it? I mean, after all, the church has spent buckets of money getting it that way. And that's what this guy said, claiming that it seems to him that Mormons are spending too much on this fancy stuff, when they could be helping the poor.
The debate is to show the difference between mainstream Christianity and Latter Day Saint Christianity. The mainstream Christian stuck his foot so far down his mouth with that comment that it came out his butt and swirled back in. I have photo evidence that they do the same exact thing.
That's right punks, your "bling bling." You spend a whole friggin' lot on gold and fancy crud too. And tons of people waste their money on this stuff; I'd find it hard to believe that you don't spend more than we spend on temples.
Now, here's the difference that saves us from your hipocracy: ours is the house of the Lord. We're spending money to give God the best of the best. You're just spending it to hang a bit of gold around your neck.
You sicken me, hypocrites!