Monday, February 28, 2005

Utah is Awsome

I was browsing "The Best Page in the Universe," and I discovered that Maddox writes about my home state. I gotta say, he says some pretty mean things about it, especially Lagoon (I love that place). Let's pick out my favorite parts of his essay:
The food here [is awful]. There's no place decent to eat.
Bull! You get Arby's, the Pizza Factory, Little Ceasers, and friggin' Artic Circle! Over here you get a bunch of little resteraunts selling sauerkraut, pizza that tastes like old people, and bread hard enough to double as a bomb shelter! Trust me, compared to elsewhere, Utah food rocks!
Everything is illegal in Utah.
So? Your close to Vegas for gambling, you're close to Wyoming for fireworks... heck, Utah's got it made! Just get off your lazy cheeks and roll over, and you're somewhere with looser laws.
On the other hand, here in Germany you can't even pass someone in the right lane of traffic. And then they don't pass laws here you will inevitably wish they did (like, no peeing on people's houses).
Also, my I remind you of this beautiful law.
Horrible local television.
At least Utah's not still showing episodes of Disney's "Gummi Bears" (Germany still is, and it's awfully dubbed, too).
The traffic is horrible.
After being in South Korea where they make six lanes out of four, and Germany where they get out of their cars in the middle of the friggin' street (it's worse than China, the light's not even red when the German's do it), I'll be thankful to be back in Utah traffic.
Look, there's a reason I want to move back; Utah rocks! The only time you'll have problems is if you attend the University of Utah, and that's your fault (not Utah's, U of U people don't know how to live in Utah)! Go hang out at BYU and things will be better.

I am "In Danger of Failing High School"

I just got a message today from FIS saying that I am in danger of not graduating high school because I have so much CAS I still haven't done. For those unfamiliar with CAS, it's a program at International Baccalaureate (IB) schools, which requires someone to fulfill 75 hours of "Creativity, Action, and Service." Apparently, I haven't been submitting my hours, and am "in danger of failing high school."
Don't worry about me, though. I'm actually involved in lots of projects that I'll finish right on the deadline, so I'm not worried. The school's just wasting my time, is all.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

New Lord of the Questions

Roman gave me a link to a site called "Stupid Questions Answered" last time I posted a stupid question on here (link), but then I had a question that they haven't answered:
How can there be an interstate highway in Hawaii?
It is true that there is an interstate highway on the Oahu island, but last time I checked an interstate highway linked two states (source). But there are no bridges or underwater highways to any states that I know of.
So, I asked Jeeves, and found the link below. I must say, Jeeves is a very wise person. But hey, the same result came up in Google (since Google's hosting my blog and giving me my e-mail service, gotta make them look good for the peeps).
Anyway, at least I'm still learning things, despite actually being accepted to college, which means senior-itus! Now nobody can call me lazy!

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Brigham Young University

When I had last updated on my college aplication status, I had still only been accepted to BYU Idaho. Well, in that post, I said:
I'd still rather get into BYU Provo if possible, but at least I have a back up plan now, and can just relax...
Well, now BYU Provo just accepted me! Score! I found out in this e-mail to my father:
Dear Stephen,

I have news regarding both of your sons. Both Anthony and Christopher have been admitted to BYU starting summer term 2005. Due to your situation, I inquired to see if we could get a final decisionfor both of your sons so you could make proper travel and living arrangements. Their admission letters will be sent out this upcoming Monday. Give them both my congratulations.


Andrea Beck
Admissions Counselor
Time to break out the big red bold text with the caps lock on in celebration again!


Anyway, this means I'll probably be starting college while I'm still age 17 (the BYU summer term starts in June, but my birthday's in July). That makes me feel smart, and lends proof to the whole "I rock" story I've been passing around. Anyway, I'm going to go celebrate.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Ghetto Gansta

It was a completely normal day today, so I'm posting my thoughts instead
Have you run into "Ghetto Gangstas?" I'm referring to the people who spend hundreds of dollars on snowhats, baggy pants and "bling-bling," so they can look "Ghetto."
These people annoy me so, friggin' wannabes! Most of them (at least at my school) are richer than me.
I'm interested in seeing what would happen if one of them were taken to a real ghetto. A friend of mine, whom everyone calls "Sanchez" due to his mexican heritage, claims that there was a reality TV show that did that. I knew reality TV couldn't just be sleep inducing! I wish I'd seen it.
Anyway, in conclusion, don't be ghetto.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Business... Not My Forté

A friend of mine, Matt Snyder, has approached me with a business proposition. He's convinced that he can make a program to create online forums, and keep it running at a small cost to himself. He wants to program the thing, and have me design the interface. He plans to charge $1 per forum per month.
He wants me to help him by opening a joint paypal bank account for the income. He's convinced we both stand to make a good profit from this, and that I would do well to help him get started.
My loyal readers, I don't know what to do. Napster was started by a highschooler, and that took off like crazy when it started, but I don't know if I want to take that kind of gamble. What do you all think? Please comment.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I met George W. Bush!

Wow! I just had the greatest day in my young republican life! George W. Bush was in town today, and I got to meet him as he was leaving!
The procession of events started with me going to school. The German kids were whining about how they were closing down the Autobahns for President Bush. I didn't pay much attention, but I did learn that my brother, Tony, and I weren't going to be the only people meeting Bush, but that my friend, Ryan, and his girlfriend, Jenny, would also be coming. We rode with them up on a bus.
Then the Secret Service went through the standard security procedures: sending us through metal detectors, turning on our electronics to make sure they weren't explosive, and checking to make sure we had the right clearance. Then they herded us into a waiting room, where we got free water bottles, free hot cocoa, and free cookies. They were all great quality, too. Ryan commented while in the waiting room, "I wish the president would come over everyday!"
Then we were herded outside, where we saw Airforce One waiting for its presidential passenger. I took photos like crazy, and Ryan begged me to send them all to him. I did, of course.
Then, after excitement over seeing Airforce One cooled down, the biggest motorcade I've ever seen came by. One of the cars in that motorcade, of course, contained president George W. Bush. But the instant his motorcade came out, my camera stopped working! Ryan was pissed, because I was his photo guy for this trip. But at the crucial moment (when Bush came into good photographing distance) I fixed the camera! I rule! I took his photo three times, and shook his hand once (as did Ryan, Tony, and Jenny).
Afterward, when he was safely on Airforce One, it taxied into runway position. Man, Airforce One has awesome engines! I swear, getting hit from the blast those things made as they taxied was probably what flying feels like to a bird! It was exhilarating!
After that, it was time to go. Ryan said, in reference to skipping basketball practice to be there, "That was definitely worth it." I tend to agree.
This isn't the first VIP I've met. I also met Collin Powell (former Secretary of State) while I was in South Korea. This, however, was definitely better. I enjoyed it immensely.

This is me, standing in front of Airforce One.

And this is a picture I took of president George W. Bush before he got on Airforce One. My camera screwed up a bit, but that's still a quality photo. Posted by Hello

Update: Somebody commented on this post, and I responded back! The link to my response is here.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Vote for Pedro

School's back in, so I'm back to getting up at 5:30 am, which is tied with homework as my least favorite part of school.
Anyway, before the break, me and a few friends made plans to wear the Napoleon Dynamite "Vote for Pedro" shirts Chris Rigby (one of those friends) gave us while we we're shooting photos for his senior page (a page the graduating seniors at FIS get in the yearbook to put whatever they want), just so everyone would see quickly that we are friends. I was the only one who wore the shirt.
The others all forgot, but fortunatly, alot of people had seen the movie, and were congratulating me for wearing a shirt from such an awsome movie. Other people asked me who Pedro was, and I just told them to rent Napoleon Dynamite.
In fact, the only person who saw the movie and didn't like it, I really dislike anyway, so I felt good wearing that shirt, even if I was alone in doing so.

Gmail Invites

I have too many Gmail invites. In total, I have 150. That's right, a hundred and flippin' fifty. That would be nice, but I'm a little short on people to give them to. So I'm sending out an invitation to my blog readers: post your e-mail adress in the comments, and you'll probably recieve a gmail invite from me the next time I check my e-mail.
If you don't know what Gmail is, I've included a link to a web site describing it. Trust me, Gmail is worth it, and far supirior to both Yahoo and Hotmail. Short story, it's 1000 MB of free e-mail space. Long story's in the link.
So post your e-mail; you'll be helping me.

Monday, February 21, 2005


They shouldn't give homework over school breaks. When they do I end up doing it and posting only short posts on my blog due to time constraints, like today.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

The Lord of the Questions

For those of you who have never done anything IB related, I present the following question (those who are part of the IB will likely already have this question pestering their mind):
If you were driving a car at the speed of light, and you turned on the headlights, what would happen?

This question is driving me crazy, so any help answering it would be appreciated. If you even have a theory, please comment.

Friday, February 18, 2005

That Kind of Day

Have you ever had that kind of day where you don't the strength to get out of bed, but you ache when you touch things like matresses? I did today, and unfortunately for my huge headache, the aches won, and I forced myself out of bed anyway. So it figures my brother would pick up a drumstick today and drum on me and my sister (who's loud protests agrovated my headache even more than the drumming). I hate being sick.

My Soul...

Not much happened today. Dangit, how am I supposed to run the #1 Blog in the World if nothing happens to me? Anyway, I found this web quiz that supposed to tell me where my soul comes from (I found it on Nate's blog). My results came back thus:

You come from Heaven. You're the purest of pure, a
saint. You're probably an angel sent directly
from Heaven.

Where Did Your Soul Originate?
brought to you by Quizilla

I think I may have influenced the final result by saying that I fear "the temptation of sin," but I don't think that made too much of a difference. Then again, when they said to pick some words, I chose "World Domination, Destruction Fear," and for animals I chose dragons and serpents, so you never know.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Wired News: No Protection for Bloggers

Fellow Bloggers beware: you are no longer safe from the law! Info is available from the link below (it links to the web site for Wired News, a technology news magazine). For those interested in a case study, I find Toobis offers a good example of what they're talking about, as he is running into some trouble with the law in Canada (I do not personally know Toobis). Just to clear this up (so nobody trys to hurt me), I am not responsible for anything posted on Toobis' site, nor do I agree with most of what is posted on Toobis' web site.

BYU Idaho

I've recieved notification on my BYU Idaho application status, and thought I'd share:

Application Status: Complete and Evaluated
Admission Decision: Admitted
Admitted Track*: Fall/Winter
Entry Semester/Term: Fall Semester 2005
Classes Begin: August 29, 2005

YEAH BABY!!! I mean, I'd still rather get into BYU Provo if possible, but at least I have a back up plan now, and can just relax...

I've Earned Trust, So Why Don't I Get It?

Today, I've been feeling sick. Anyone should be able to see that; I've been moving much more slowly today than is normal, hacking my lungs out, wheezing, and clutching my head due to an awful headache I have. Still, my mother wants to take me to the gym. I tell her I'm not feeling well enough to go to the gym, and she says, "Of course."
What the heck's that supposed to mean? It seems she thinks I'm faking it. "I really am sick, mom," I say, despite my sore throat.
"I didn't say you weren't," she responds. "But you always feel sick when we go to exercise."
That's complete bull. I've been going ever since she started us doing this on Monday. Plus, I've enjoyed going (it's obvious from the smile on my face afterwards). Why would I get "conveniently sick" on purpose?
I've not lied to my mother since I was around 8 years old, and mom knows it. Why would she stop trusting me all of the sudden? I don't think she should.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go rest and heal.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Math Teacher's Goal: Make Math Worse

Now, before I go on, let me explain to those of you out there taking American math courses, I wish I was in your shoes. Your math teachers try to make Math harder by making difficult problems, but so that things aren't too difficult to check they at least allow mulitple choice. I wish my math teacher did that. Instead, he has to follow by the IB diploma math teachers, who never even see my work. Not only does that mean the most difficult math problems they can give me, but also essays! Math essays!
Man, and I thought I had it bad when I was taking 9th grade geometry four years ago! Now, they give us a packet four pages (double sided) long of criterion for writing said essay, and a paper telling us what to write about. Then we have to come back with a four page essay according to said papers! And that's on top of an English assignment, two Chemistry lab reports, and the fact that I have to prepare to move back to the States in June! I hate the IB!
People of the United States, be thankful for the AP system; you have no clue how lucky you are to have it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Blog of a Super Hero (Wannabe)

I'm finding it hard to update this blog as often as I'd like. Consequently, I've decided to start a fictional one, based on my brother's idea for a comic superhero: Wannabe. If I don't update this blog, I'll allmost certainly update that one, and vice-versa. I've included a link to my fictional blog in this post, and I hope you enjoy reading it (the first post is kind of slow, but that's just becase I'm setting up the character, who is a complete and total loser).

Monday, February 14, 2005

My First Nightmare in Years...

I rarely ever have nightmares, but last night my imagination ran away with me.
In my dream, my family and I showed up to my Grandmother's house, to find three gothic looking occupants instead. They forebade me and my family from ever leaving the house. Later in the night, I couldn't get to sleep, and went out for a walk, and I saw that they had a sacrificial alter. And, like in most of my dreams, I was psychic and used my powers to deduce that they planned to drink my blood to absorb my youth. Then I woke up.
Later, after I went back to sleep, I was with a black kid in an orphanage (although I was not an orphan). The orphanage mother told the kid that his parents were coming to get him, but then they took the kid and abandonded him themselves underneath a bridge on the freeway (it was too wide to be the Auto-bahn, so I could tell this dream took place in the USA). I tried to get a cop to help the kid, but the cop said that he'd be fine, and also said that his parents would be along shortly to pick him up. So I went to the kid, in hopes of explaining this to him. First I asked him if he spoke English, and he said, "A bit." I explained that his parents would be along shortly to pick him up, but the kid kept on frowning. I woke up to an alarm on my iPAQ before he could answer.
So yeah, the first dream was much scarier, but they were both really wierd and dreary (and if you've been reading this blog for a while, you know I hate dreary). I think a dreamless night would have been better.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Movie Review: Napoleon Dynamite

I borrowed Napoleon Dynamite from a friend the other day and watched it with the rest of my family. Well, I watched most of it with the rest of my family, but my little brother left because he thought it was a stupid movie. To many extents, he was right... but that's part of the charm of the movie.
It was extremely stupid, and yet it is either too familiar for the people in the Idaho/Utah area, or too unreal everywhere else (I watched it with a freind from Washington D.C. as well, and when I commented that it's all so true, he couldn't believe it), which causes you to just stare in facination as either your own culture is poked at from every corner, or you can't believe that anyone could concievably act like this (and it's funnier if you know it's true).
For examples of what I mean, take the following quotes:
Don:"So Napoleon, what'd you do all last summer again?"

Napoleon:"I already told you! I spent it with my uncle up in Alaska hunting wolverines."

Don:"Did you shoot any?"

Napoleon:"Yeah, like fifty of 'em! They were trying to attack my cousin; what the heck would you do in a situation like that?"

Don:"What kind of gun did you use?"

Napoleon:"A freakin' 12 gage; what do you think?"
Now, not everybody from this area is as nerdy as Napoleon, or as prone to streching the truth. But the way he uses his language: it all sounds so mormon. The language is the biggest thing that people notice about the movie, anyway, probably because of how prevalant it is.
Napoleon:You know, there's like a butt-load of gangs at this school.
Another reason this movie is good is because of just how nerdy all the characters are. They try to make them as nerdy as possible, and succeed quite well.
Kip: Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
And what woman could resist Napolean's pick up line?
Napoleon: I see you're drinking one percent. Is that because you think you're fat?
And what of Napolean's dating advice?
Napoleon: Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills. You know, like nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills...
In conclusion, go see the movie if you haven't. If I had to rate it, I'd give it an 8/10, because I really enjoyed it, but it was stupid, but it made up for it by being generally entertaining.

Friday, February 11, 2005

The Seizure Page

I just finished a Computer Science test, and early I might add, and was disheartened by Mr. Mulkey's (my teacher's) furled brow when looking at my answers. Now, you can probably guess what that means (I got stuff wrong), but I don't want to accept that until after the week off school when I get the test back. So, I decided to post this mess of a link for you. Enjoy!
(Note: If you are epileptic, you may not want to click on the link. Also, it runs much slower in Mozilla Firefox, so I suggest using IE for this link. Never Netscape; that loser browser il like the green party. Nobody cares about it.)

Thursday, February 10, 2005


I got homework piled on me today. I only have time to write, maybe, two sentances on my blog today.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

That Friggin' Nazi

Even though it is in the public's best interest to know who I am talking about, I will withold the name of our school Nazi, just in case he decides to change. Besides, if you know him, you probably know who I'm talking about. And no, I'm not using the term "Nazi" as a racial slur; he displays many Nazi characteristics.
In case you don't know him, let me describe him to you; he is the picture that automatically comes to mind the instant you hear the word "nerd," and yet he's dumb as a mule (he handed in an IB assignment on the back of another paper with writing still on it). He's got the muscular power of a toothpick, and the people skills of a rabid wolverine. He knows he's annoying, and yet he insists on being so anyway. Now I wouldn't mind all this in a normal situation (I am as open minded as I can be), but he still considers himself high and mighty compared to me and my friends... because he's German, and we're American. Now just replace the word "American" with "Jewish," and you got yourself Hitler there.
His main method of proving his "superiority" is that he never eats at McDonalds, but chooses a "better diet." I'm sorry, but if not eating McDonalds turns me into the albino stick I see in him... SUPER SIZE ME!!! I will not turn into his visage of wussy ugliness. But it's a moot point anyway, seeing as how Germans put chocolate on bread (they call it Nutella, and it's actually quite good)!

Another thing he does is continuously question my ethics right to my face, as if he's the king of all morality (yet he swears a mile a minute, drinks at age 17, etc.). For instance, despite the fact that I did not do my iPAQ trick to him, he comes three inches away from my face (*shudders at ugliness*) and asks me why I did it. Because it's funny, stupid! Even my victim lauged at it once (though not for the encore with my friends), so I'm not alone in thinking this. I even explain this to him, and he says that he "didn't think it was funny." Do you think I care? No, I don't. I was trying to entertain myself and a few friends, he's not any one of them.
Well, I would give more warning about what this Nazi does, but my brother needs to use the computer for homework. Later.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Peasent's Quest: The Movie

Ever since the addition of the the Peasent's Quest game, people have thought that the people in charge of homestarrunner have no more time to waste. Not so. Apparently, they're now making a movie for the video game, and have the trailer up (complete with throwing a baby into a lake)! Click on the link to see it.

The Wasp Factory: Worst Book Ever

And the prize for worst book ever written goes to "The Wasp Factory" by Iain Banks.

If you can avoid it, do not read this book (I have to read it by the end of the week for my English class *sigh*). The book is not for sale in the United States, probably because the protagonist killed one person out of hate, and two people on a whim, regularly torches rabbits, and all sorts of other grotesque stuff that makes it a "gothic horror novel."
An easy way of summing this book up would be it contains too much information, and by that I mean it describes how the protagonist uses the bathroom, scratches his crotch, how every single relative in his friggin' family tree died, etc. The book is just plain disturbing, and way over the top. Posted by Hello

My Rubber Ducky

I told a friend of mine that I would post this on my blog. I'm a bit late, but here it is: the song, "My Little Rubber Ducky."
Normal Verson
"American Idol" Version (with backup singer)

Monday, February 07, 2005

Bombs Belong in Chemistry Class... Usually

Today, Mr. Curran (my chemisty teacher) banned us from saying the word "bomb" in class while starting the subject of atomic/nuclear energy, under penalty of detention. Now, under normal circumstances, I'd say this is unfair. However, if you knew my Chemistry class, you'd know better.
Like for instance, there's this one girl (Sarah Shields) who has this very strange obsession with destroying nitrogen... like she's predjudiced against it or something (she even admitted to it). Other kids were asking questions about how they can get uranium, how to increase the power of the bomb, and all sorts of other questions the RSO (regional security office) would want to know about.
It drove Mr. Curran insane! Finally, he announced detentions for anyone who even said the word, "bomb," and this removed heaps of valuable information about explosives from being delivered to us.
Hint for my classmates: learning about illegal weapons is like cooking a frog. If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will jump out. However, if you throw a frog into a pot of cold water and slowly turn up the heat, the frog will boil to death. Don't ask too many questions, and all your explosive needs will be met.
And if you're taking over the world, may I have Missouri?

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Terry Tate: Office Linebacker

I just found out that "Terry Tate: Office Linebacker" is still online (they just regeristerd under an unfriendly domain name now, so you know they love their fans). If you haven't seen it, I highly recomend it. My personal favorite is Athlete of the Century, but they're all pretty good.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Now You Know

I took one of those online blog quizzes called "Wich Planet are you From?" This was my result:

I am From Saturn

I'm steady, organized, and determined to achieve my dreams.
I tend to play it conservative, going by the rules (at least the practical ones).
I'll likely reach the top. And when I do, I'll be honorable and responsible.
I should focus on happiness. I shouldn't let my goals distract me from fun!

If I'm not too set in my ways, I'll be more of a success than I ever dreamed of.

What Planet Are You From?

Funny, I thought I was going to be from Jupiter, but Saturn's still cool. I think it screwed up a bit, because the first note isn't exactly accurate; I am anything but organized. My only methods of organization are chronological, meaning I let it pile up and assume that the things on the top are newer.
Anyway, I plan to drop in again sometime later tonight. If I do, see you then, otherwise, later all!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Hitler's Creature

I write. I'm going to keep on writing until I write something so good that I have to get it published, at which point I'll enjoy the royalties. Anyway, here's an example of my writing that I finished today (click the link to get to it). Hope you like. It may not have fixed my spelling errors and typos yet, by the way.
Note: Some may be offended by its alternate view of Hitler, but those people should get over it and read anyway.

Horrible German Law

I gotta start paying attention to the world around me. I'm living in Germany, and knew about both of these laws, but I didn't realize what it meant to put them together. Poor German women!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Slow Day + Sugar = HYPER ME!

Not much happened today... at all. Probably the most exciting thing that happened today was that I ate Kimchi noodles (by the way, that's not very exciting). Basically, I got bored today, and then started getting really sleepy from all the boredom. Fortunately, my Mom got me a big ol' pack of Haribo (German Brand of Gummi Bears) while we were out and about. I downed those things faster than a family of starving monkeys down a smimming pool full of bananas and nuts.
Hyper time!!!
I was bouncing up and down and singing Queen's "We will Rock You." I even scared away the street musicians (cowards).
But then I came home, and of course I had my sugar crash. Dangit! And I was feeling so good, too! It was, however, convienient timing because I'm supposed to be in bed right now so I can get up at 5:30 tommorow. In fact, I think I'll go take advantage of that sugar crash now.
Later, all!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The Rubber Band Effect

Do not read this post until after reading "Ka-CHING." Also helpful for understanding the context of this post is a familiarity of the culture of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

If you've watched as many episodes of "Becker" as I have, you may have heard of something Becker described as the rubber band effect. Here's how Becker describes it (paraphrased):
"When good things happen, it's like pulling on a rubber band. It just keeps getting tighter and tighter, until finally it all snaps back at you, and all the good stuff that's happened is met with a whole bunch of crap."
You may have noticed how happy my previous post today was; abundant good things did happen today. However, that post was written before I came home from school, and the rubber band effect took effect. The instant I get home, I'm met with the news that a relative of mine (name and relation withheld) tried to commit suicide recently, and then my little brother had to call an ambulence for the mother of the family I home teach (the Cambels).
I'm trying to keep my optimistic outlook by thinking of the good that's happened to me, and claiming that all will be well in the end in both cases, and my brothers accused me of being selfish. My little brother, Johnny, even quoted the Book of Mormon exerpt at me, "...mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort..." (Mosiah 18:9) Excuse me, but nobody's mourning. There's still a lot of hope for both cases, and I refuse to let possibly bad sittuations ruin my awsome day, until they actually become bad.
Finally, let me point out that you do not have to be sad to comfort the sad. As a matter of fact, laughter is the best comfort, and sad people have a tendancy to ruin fun (even the best slapstick is not funny when somebody starts crying).
I'm not losing hope until all hope is lost, and I'm not frowning until forced to frown. Nothing will phase me.

"Come, come, ye Saints, no toil nor labor fear;
But with joy wend your way.
Though hard to you this journey may appear,
Grace shall be as your day.
'Tis better far for us to strive
Our useless cares from us to drive;
Do this and joy your hearts will swell --
All is well! All is well!

Why should we mourn or think our lot is hard?
'Tis not so; all is right.
Why should we think to earn a great reward
If we now shun the fight?
Gird up your loins; fresh courage take
Our God will never us forsake;
And soon we'll have this tale to tell --
All is well! All is well!"
- Verses 1 & 2 of "Come, Come, Ye Saints" by William Clayton


Here is what I was talking about when I say that good things always follow the bad things that happen in life. Bad thing: I left my German homework at home today. Good thing: My German teacher didn't check my homework today. On top of that, I've also gotten back in contact with a friend that I'd given up on finding (see first comment here)! Holy flip, I've been having a good day!
Now add that I was able to contact him right away, because his blog allows connections from my iPAQ.
Also add a bit into the mix that I've also got my longest class period today free.
Someone up there loves me!