Thursday, July 21, 2005

Harry Potter and the Army of Crybabies

Who's read the recent Harry Potter? I haven't, and yet I still know what happened, because some people don't know the meaning of the phrase "shut up, kid!"
If you haven't read the end of the book, don't read the rest of this post (consider this your spoiler warning). Apparently, almost the entire Harry Potter fanbase is crying their eyes out because Dumbledore is killed. For instance, this made it onto a Harry Potter Livejournal web site:
''Is anyone else in complete and utter shock about who just died and how, or am I the only one?"

''I am in shock. @#%, I can't believe what I just read. I spent like the last three chapters bawling my eyes out. I'm just in shock, pure utter shock."

Complete and utter shock about Dumbledore dying? How could he die; he never existed in the first place! To bring him back to "life" (or rather as much life as he had before) all you need to do is write the words "Dumbledore came back to life" on a piece of paper! No loss here!
According to the Boston Globe web site, 15-year-old Sara Sokolove said:
"Harry Potter is not just a book; it's an entire world that becomes very real to you. People use Harry Potter books as a distraction to their own lives. To escape."
That's the saddest thing I've ever heard. If you really need to escape from your life, you're screwing it up yourself (especially for 15 year olds, who's parents still buy them food, clothing, grooming materials, most likely an allowance, electricity, room and board, etc.). If that's the case, you have far more important things to be doing (like fixing your life) than reading Harry Potter books.
Life's awsome for you if you think about it. We have enough money that we don't starve, few of us have to worry about being mudered, medical care rocks hard, etc. Alright, so there's people who don't have these problems and can't escape them, but they're not going out and buying these Harry Potter books. Stop your crying and enjoy your life, you pansy!
This Harry Potter's a poorly written book, anyway. It reads exactly like a fanfiction, crappy editting, script-like feel and all! Don't believe me? Compare the writing quality of this and the new book (it's an old Harry Potter fanfiction I started when I was around 13, but never finished). You know what, on second thought, don't. We need more good writers, not trashy ones, and I'm afraid the book will bring down your style. The most important thing to do is shut up about Dumbledore. Nothing happened! There's no need to cry! Just, grow a spine, woud you?