Monday, August 08, 2005

Why I'm Also and Idiot

I know what you all are thinking: *gasp* *shock* *horror* Chris
admitting to idiocy? Yes I am, although not the worst I've had
recently. The worst has to be the guy who lit his own pants on fire
yesterday and took 2 minutes putting it back out. At one point he was even just standing there with his pants ablaze, not taking any action.

But even so, I've finally learned the following lesson:
Sleep is a nessecary evil.
Last night marked the first time I've attempted to stay up all night. I
did not go to sleep at all last night. I even downed sugar water to
make sure I stay up all night. I made it to 24 and a half hours until I passed out.
That means I lost the contest to stay up. Travis, I think, is the winner, with 27 hours without sleep.
This contest kills you the next day. I mean, absolutely no getting up to finish
anything. So now I ... *snores*