Monday, January 31, 2005

Do Your Parents Really Wish What's Best for You?

Do our parents really wish what's best for us? Well, acutally they do... but they don't always fufill on that wish, because they kind of mess up (often) when trying to do what's best for us.
Let's take, for example brussel sprouts. Now, I've just gone about and proved them deadly (see previous post), and yet your parents still force you to eat them, because they are "good for you." Also, parents ask you take out the trash... the disease ridden, filthy trash. That means you can get sick from the chore, and yet they still allow you to get in the direct path of disease. Being subjected to disease, last time I checked, is not good for you.
Now, I'm not saying your parents want you dead (with the abortion laws currently in place, they could have killed you before you were born), but I am saying that they can get a bit (for lack of a better word) clumsy, in taking care of you. It's like dropping you on your head (which I bet has actually happened to many people, but their parents won't admit it): nobody means for it to happen; you just slip. Accidents happen every day, and somebody has to suffer for it (or the world will have nothing to laugh at).
That's why teenagers usually think they are so unfairly treated: they are still young enough for accidents affect them, and yet they are old enough to realize that these accidents end up messing up their lives. Try to remember, though, your parents are giving you free room and board, free food, a free house, and will probably end up paying a hefty amount of your college enrollment fees. See, once again you have to look at the positive: parents = money. Just as long as you remember that, you will forgive them of all accidents... until it comes time to put them in a discount old folks home. *evil laugh*

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Disproving Lies

The world is full of lies, and I feel like disproving a few of them. The lies I'm referring to are: "money doesn't grow on trees," "brussel sprouts are good for you," and "pigs don't fly."
First, I'll prove that money does grow on trees. This is a very simple one to prove, since money is made out of paper, and paper of tree bark, which does grow on trees.
Anyway, next I'll prove that brussel sprouts are bad for you. For that, I turn to the idea behind evolution and psycology: our greatest desire is our survival. Psycology states that we will try to do everything that will help us to survive, and evolution suggests that our bodies have built ourselves up to survive in dire cicumstances. Now take into effect that as kids, we instictivley hate brussel sprouts (I even puke them), and that brussel sprouts are an aquired taste. Psycologically, we already know how bad brussel sprouts are for us, and we can only enjoy them if we force ourselves to elove to like them. I remind you, we evolve to survive in dire circumstances. Brussel sprouts are not only bad, but deadly.
Finally, pigs can fly. For that, we turn to good ol' American Football. You know what they call the balls? They call them Pigskins. That's because some footballs are actually made out of pigs' skins. Do you know why they did that? Because pigs' skins were able to fly very far when you kicked them. Yep, fly. Hence, pigs fly.
Anyway, I hope you all have been enlightened, now that these lies are off your chest. Boy, the things people believe these days!

Saturday, January 29, 2005

The Key to Hapiness: Slapstick

Today I was feeling sick... again... and was dragged around to Oberursel and Hanau (two cities "close" to Frankfurt am Main, where I live) so Mom could shop for groceries. I don't know why she even needed me (She didn't even ask me to help her), but oh well.
Now, you may be thinking that this all means I had a bad day, but you'd be wrong. One of my friends has announced that she has mono (once again I'm withholding her name), and she's afraid she gave it to her boyfriend while making out on the bus. I, however, am mono free!
You see, it's all about putting life in perspective. Bad things happen to you, but rarely are they everlasting, and there will always be something good to follow. Whenever you're in a slum, remind yourself of that.
And in case you need another boost, I've put a link to a comedy routine (from that may help you. This illustrates my theroy on why pain exists: so you can laugh at it. Other people's pain is usually hillarious! And, since you are outnumbered by the rest of the population of the world, if everyone were to laugh at everyone else's pain, we would all experience mostly happiness in our lives. That's the key to happiness: slapstick.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

People are Stupid

So, I'm sitting in the school senior lounge (yep, we get a lounge at our school), and I'm surfing the net on my iPAQ since there was nothing else to do, and I happen to overhear a complaint one of my fellow students (whose name will be withheld) shouted about a problem he had with a teacher. He said that he came into class late because he was feeling sick, and doesn't understand why his teacher gave him such a hard time about showing up late.
I'll tell you why: because that's a cock and bull story! If you're feeling sick, you stay home; you don't skip part of the class, suddenly decide you're feeling better, and then come to school. Either you're feeling ill and should stay home and heal, or you weren't sick enough to cut class to begin with!
What kind of moron would go somewhere where they have to work when they have a way out of it? Our school doesn't even force you to make up assignments, and they give you extra time if you're absent. You have to leave your brain at home to actually want to come to school.
My favorite part is how he complained, probably in hopes of winning pity, that he's "never cut class in his life." Big friggin' whup; people aren't supposed to cut class! There's half a million other people who haven't ever cut class, many of them planning to cut class for the first time tommorow. Basically, that excuse means nothing, except that the person using it is an idiot. Either cut the whole class, or put up with the illness! Cutting will give you relax time, while putting up with it will make you look like a real man (who doesn't take any guff from viruses). Never choose to work, and look like a total wuss who is out on the slightest friggin' illness. And finnaly, stop giving any such choices you make so much publicity (by yelling them). But, If you're going to anyway, at least complain quietly enough that it doesn't disturb my web surfing; a guy can't even waste time in peace anymore.

My Country ROCKS!

Yep, I'm patriotic, but at least this time I have a reason to be. We were making programs to compare countries and find out which is the best by combining certain statistics. It took a lot of statistic crunching for us to make any country but the USA number 1!
Sure, other countries are good too, but let's just face it: the US rocks.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Goths Should Be Bombed

I hate the general idea of depression, and am very annoyed by the people who idolize its existence: goths. Why in the heck would someone want to be depressed?
Now this brings me to my conudrum. I felt down today, and I have no friggin' clue why. I hope I was just tired, but in my active pursuit against depression I can't allow myself to think anything would put me down.
Fortunately, I did manage to succeed in finding hapiness today, so it turned out for the better. Want to know my secret? Butt plugs.
In case you're lost in my suggestion, butt plugs is a prank phone call on eBaum's World. Holy cow, that thing was funny! Okay, some of you out there might be a bit offended by its immature humor stlye, but if you can let go of your maturity for a little while, the butt plugs routine will take you from downer to that ant in the one song who carried the rubber tree plant (show off). Anyway, I thought I'd share that nirvana with you, so all will find hapiness and goths will cease to exist.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Cathy is Stupid

Who actually likes Cathy, seriously? Not I. Cathy is horrible. I don't care to hear about some fat women stressing about things that don't matter, like her wedding for instance (the guy's going to leave her at the alter if he knows what's good for him). I've included in the post an example of what your average Cath comic is like, with a few notes from me. Remember to do the suggestion at the end. Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Beer: A Fool's Drink

So I'm out walking my dog, and there's this whole group of people gathered out in front of the Bundesbank(1), and they've all got beer bottles in hand, and they're singing at the top of their lungs, and badly I might add. They looked like complete imbiciles.
Another case I've seen of alcohol, a guy waddled out of the U-bahn(2)... yes, waddled... and with a completely dazed stupor on his face, proceeded to scribble on the train. Then he waddled off again, with that same stupor, looking like you could trip him and he wouldn't even notice.
Why do people really want to gather around and make themselves out to be complete fools? I'm serious; if you like alcohol, please comment and tell me why. I can't figure it out.

(1) A German word meaning "Federal Bank"
(2) A mostly underground train system, similar to the subway found in the United States

Friday, January 21, 2005

Shorter Posting

Someone told me to post these things shorter, so I am.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The Awful German Language

I have a German test tommorow, and the language was invented by a languistic sadist! For those of you who are unfamiliar with the language, you have no idea how lucky you are to have never had to face the German language.
Everything is complicated in German. For instance, let's take the word "the." In English we have one word for it, the Japanese omit it completely, and even the Spanish and the Italians limit themselves to two different forms of the word, but you can tell which one to use from the last letter in the noun. German, on the other hand, uses three: Der, Die, and Das. There are no rules describing which to use when. I mean, your German teacher will pretend there are rules, but will immediatly follow it up by giving you a list of exceptions with more words than follow the rule.
Supposedly, Der, Die, and Das are decided by the "gender" of each noun. For example, a man would be a masculine noun, so it would get "der." A woman would be a feminine noun, so it would get "die." And a pencil would be a neuteral noun, and get a "das." Let's review with some other examples. Your female dog would be a masculine noun, so it would get a "der." Your tomcat would be a feminine noun, so it would get a "die." And a little girl would be a neutral noun, so it would get a "das."
Confused? Probably, but you still haven't even congegated the thing! I can't even do that in English! Apparently, if your word is in the "nomminative case," you use the word, for example, "der" to mean "the." If it's in the "accusative case," you use the word "den" to mean "the." If it's in the "dative case," you use the word "dem" to mean "the." If it's in the "genetive case," you can't figure it out, because you got lost way back trying to figure out what a "nomminative case" is. All of this getting confused you do is called "congegating."
What irritates me about this class is that people go around passing the rumor that our language is "based on German." German is filled with words that try to mess you up into thinking that we have the same word in english, but it's not true. The most famous example is "bekommen," a word which looks like "become," but means "recieve." After learning German, all of a sudden you walk into a resteraunt and ask to become the main course. Next thing you know, you're on the deep frier about to be served to a bunch of German businessmen who know enough English to say "I want to eat American."
Now here's the funny part: of the Germans I know (and I know a lot, seeing as how I am living in Germany), more than 75% speak English. So why am I learning German anyway? For the remaining 25%? No, they only speak Turkish (Germany has a large group of Turkish immigrant living in their country). So German class is not a technically a nessecity, yet it's still required by the school I'm attending. Wonderful educational system, huh?

Monday, January 17, 2005

I Hate Being Sick

Sickness used to be fun. You got out of school, and you could get out of chores, and just sit there with a ginger ale watching the Disney channel. What the flip happened to that?
I did get out of school, but now it's the last quarter of my two year IB classes, and so the teachers are in a hurry to unload everything they can on their students. That means that if I miss anything, I've either got to catch up or I'm lost the rest of the year, and considering the speed, even one day means I have to make up a lot (for example, we're doing a "quick" review of matrix transformations right now before we rush into "extended matrix transformations").
So when I finally feel good enough to get out of bed I go downstairs, and we don't have a single soft drink in the house! So, then I go to watch TV. Wouldn't you know it, disney's out! The only thing we have working Boomerang (showing "Tazmania"), Paramount Comedy (showing only British Comedies, and none of them Montey Python), a bunch of Soap Operas, and Dr. Phil! Who the fetch even watches Dr. Phil? He's a psycologist for crying out loud! He pretends to be friend so you think he's all great and awsome and you trust him enough that you don't realize he's feeding you bull plop so you have just as many problems as when you started coming to him!
So, I stopped watching TV, and my parents figure I must be feeling a little bit better, and make me take the dog out. Never mind the fact that it's february in Germany! Not only is it cold and starts me hacking my lungs out again, but the dog takes advantage of my weakened state to pull me through every mudhole from here to Berlin (okay, I'm exagerating, but the dog did take me through a lot of mudholes). Then I come back and find out that I need to go back outside and bring in the groceries. This is despite the cold day, and the fact that I live on the top floor of an apartment building with no elevator.
Now, you may think that I was utterly miserable today, and you'd be quite wrong. I still got to see Deep Impact with my Dad (a good movie), and I did sleep in fairly late, discovered "Mozilla Firefox," (see reference to download) and a number of other things to make this a good day... but my point is sickness isn't everything it used to be when I was a kid, and it scares the heck out of me that it's still going to get worse when I go off to college. *sigh* I wish I could get that sweet deal Bill Murray did in Groundhog Day, or even the one Peter Pan got (where he'd never have to grow up), but then I'd be stuck in highschool for life as well. Guess you gotta take the good with the bad, but I wouldn't mind a little longer being a kid.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Things Not Normally Discussed in Church

How many of you have a friend who will, immediatly after church, make plans with you on how to break into area 51? Well, maybe a few of you... but I'm sure it's not that common.
Unfortunately the friend I'm refering to is my friend who wants to take over the earth and keep Missouri. Jerk! And I'm helping him to take over the place!
Now, I don't plan to actually steal the the military technology from area 51 until after I retire (and need a hobby), but I thought I should tell one of you out there the key to actually taking over the world... and I will, as soon as you promise me Missouri. Until then, tough beans.
My friend has already claimed the airspace over his house. He plans to charge airplane piolets for passage through that airspace and use the money to start a sugar monopoly, thus taking over the world through economic reasons. Amateur! That'll take years!
My plan is much faster and more reliable. So somebody cough up Missouri! Trust me, it's a small price to pay for the rest of the world!

Relax, US military; I'm not totally serious about taking over the world (although all of this post is inspired by real life events and plottings). Your military secrets will not be threatened by me. Though you may want to touch up your security in case someone who actually would steal them sees the same security flaws I've seen.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Why Does Life Have to Get Serious?

I always like to look at life through rose-tinted glasses, but darn it if life doesn't make it impossible to do that. My neighbor had a stroke/heart attack/something bad, so it would be even worse if I could still look at it nicely. So now I have to sit here feeling bad for my neighbor.
You know, my life is quite good. My freind in Tailand was safe during the tsunamis, I got a broken iPAQ replaced, I did well on my mock exams, etc. And it still is. But things are always coming close to me. I've almost been struck by lightning, been trough a typhoon, been through a flood, and been through a tornado, but I've always emerged with no losses. I feel bad for those less fortunate, and wish there was some way I could give them some of my luck. I have no clue how, though.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Repeat Showing

I decided to do a repeat showing of my iPAQ trick... only this time, I got myself an audience. (Note to pranksters out there: an audience is awsome for gloating possiblities, and for some reason the make pranks even funnier... but also they make it easier to get caught, so only build one if you can stand being caught.) The kid playing (who's name will be withheld to protect his reputation) started threatening me, saying that if I screwed up the TV while he was playing again, he was going to "#$%!" me up. So, in order to continue, my friends borrowed my iPAQ to "see how it works." It was great fun, but I think I've had my fill now.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

My First Taste of TOK

Today, Mr. Roger's TOK class came into the computer lab during ITGS today. It was my first and only taste of TOK, and I'm even more convinced that it is total bull. They're discussing something about "stem cell research" and when can you really call an embreo alive. Mr. Rogers was saying something about ameobas on Mars and comparing them to embreos, and Roman Roth was saying something about the difference between "human life" and a "human person." In case your reading this, Roman, I'll clear up the indescrepincy. THERE IS NONE! Humans are humans, bar none!
Nobody even thought about the applications to the death penalty (is it worth sacrificing one human to save another). They just sat there yapping, and never getting anywhere. That's not education; it's just stupid babble, and a waste of school time.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Photo of Me

Here's a picture of me. It supposed to look like I'm delivering my ultimatum to the UN before I take over the world. Even if it doesn't, though, it's a good picture of me. And even though I am not planning to take over the world, I've gotten three people who are to promise I get to rule Missouri. Posted by Hello

My Confession

I got the absoulute greatest toy for Christmas. It's called the "iPAQ," and it comes with its own universal remote control.
At my school, we have a lounge for the seniors to rest in with a TV and a Nintendo 64. They are always in use, and I can't get on... but now I'M IN CONTROL! *evil laugh* Anyway, there was a heated game of Super Mario Kart 64 going. Right in the middle of the action, I pushed a button that switches the TV to recieve radio signals, or something skrewy like that. Anyway, bye bye game signal!
So then these people are trying to figure out what happened. They fumbling all over the TV trying to fix it, so my iPAQ can't even hit the reciever and help them fix it (which I was trying). Those idiots! I could hardly strain myself from bursting out laughing!!! So rather than constrain myself, I came to the computer lab in our school to write this down, and laughed the whole way to the computer lab!
I'm sure they turned the TV off and on and fixed it by now, but that was great for a laugh. I'm thinking about starting a repeat showing.

Monday, January 10, 2005

My First Awful Poem

My first awful poem is three haikus strung together. I just meant to show how easy they are.

You know these mean naught,
The mechanics of Haikus,
And still you write on.

I can see your mind!
I see a lot of nothing!
I expected that.

But write on, I say;
write until your fingers bleed;
ignorance is bliss.