The world is full of lies, and I feel like disproving a few of them. The lies I'm referring to are: "money doesn't grow on trees," "brussel sprouts are good for you," and "pigs don't fly."
First, I'll prove that money does grow on trees. This is a very simple one to prove, since money is made out of paper, and paper of tree bark, which does grow on trees.
Anyway, next I'll prove that brussel sprouts are bad for you. For that, I turn to the idea behind evolution and psycology: our greatest desire is our survival. Psycology states that we will try to do everything that will help us to survive, and evolution suggests that our bodies have built ourselves up to survive in dire cicumstances. Now take into effect that as kids, we instictivley hate brussel sprouts (I even puke them), and that brussel sprouts are an aquired taste. Psycologically, we already know how bad brussel sprouts are for us, and we can only enjoy them if we force ourselves to elove to like them. I remind you, we evolve to survive in dire circumstances. Brussel sprouts are not only bad, but deadly.
Finally, pigs can fly. For that, we turn to good ol' American Football. You know what they call the balls? They call them Pigskins. That's because some footballs are actually made out of pigs' skins. Do you know why they did that? Because pigs' skins were able to fly very far when you kicked them. Yep, fly. Hence, pigs fly.
Anyway, I hope you all have been enlightened, now that these lies are off your chest. Boy, the things people believe these days!