I got the absoulute greatest toy for Christmas. It's called the "iPAQ," and it comes with its own universal remote control.
At my school, we have a lounge for the seniors to rest in with a TV and a Nintendo 64. They are always in use, and I can't get on... but now I'M IN CONTROL! *evil laugh* Anyway, there was a heated game of Super Mario Kart 64 going. Right in the middle of the action, I pushed a button that switches the TV to recieve radio signals, or something skrewy like that. Anyway, bye bye game signal!
So then these people are trying to figure out what happened. They fumbling all over the TV trying to fix it, so my iPAQ can't even hit the reciever and help them fix it (which I was trying). Those idiots! I could hardly strain myself from bursting out laughing!!! So rather than constrain myself, I came to the computer lab in our school to write this down, and laughed the whole way to the computer lab!
I'm sure they turned the TV off and on and fixed it by now, but that was great for a laugh. I'm thinking about starting a repeat showing.