Sunday, January 16, 2005

Things Not Normally Discussed in Church

How many of you have a friend who will, immediatly after church, make plans with you on how to break into area 51? Well, maybe a few of you... but I'm sure it's not that common.
Unfortunately the friend I'm refering to is my friend who wants to take over the earth and keep Missouri. Jerk! And I'm helping him to take over the place!
Now, I don't plan to actually steal the the military technology from area 51 until after I retire (and need a hobby), but I thought I should tell one of you out there the key to actually taking over the world... and I will, as soon as you promise me Missouri. Until then, tough beans.
My friend has already claimed the airspace over his house. He plans to charge airplane piolets for passage through that airspace and use the money to start a sugar monopoly, thus taking over the world through economic reasons. Amateur! That'll take years!
My plan is much faster and more reliable. So somebody cough up Missouri! Trust me, it's a small price to pay for the rest of the world!

Relax, US military; I'm not totally serious about taking over the world (although all of this post is inspired by real life events and plottings). Your military secrets will not be threatened by me. Though you may want to touch up your security in case someone who actually would steal them sees the same security flaws I've seen.