Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Burn, Baby Burn!

Today, my Chemistry teacher decided to break his anti-pyro rule today, and asked us to build things in class that were meant to explode, however he asked us to contain the whole thing very well, exploding it only in a contained area that would prevent fiery dust from leaping out of the test tube and into the air, burning things.
*evil laugh*
My partner and I set up the experiment, doing everything exactly as we were told to do it to start; we mixed the chemicals properly, then heated them to approximately 360 degrees Celsius. But we were told to drop the test tube with the chemicals into the contained area (a flask of water), and my partner decided to dunk it instead (even pulling the stuff out).
350 degree Celsius dust flew into the air, ultimately landing and burning a hole through my notes and charring my backpack (it was worth it). Nobody got hurt, thankfully, so I'm not earning myself a trip to the psychiatrist by saying that was totally awsome!