Until proven or disproven scientifically, the concept of God is an 'individual-specific reality': if one's reality necessitates the presence of God, He exists. (source)What the flip is that supposed to mean? Either something exists or it doesn't, no matter what you believe.
Take for instance if some guy were to suddenly believe he had gills. According to this essay, the guy should be able to breathe underwater. Bull; he drowns! Either he has gills or doesn't; and if he doesn't then he can't breathe underwater.
People keep trying to analyse the religious, but it's a waste of time.
Whether God exists or not (I believe in God), it doesn't matter. Either He exists or he doesn't. Personally, if He exists, I wouldn't want to take my chances on His bad side. The Old Testament says he torched Soddom and Gammorah for unrighteousness; He could do the same to you, or He could get more creative. On the other hand, if God exists and He likes you then you're set! All it will require is to keep righteous (not really a hard task), and rectify times you mess up. If you do that, you either get nothing or power from on high. On the other hand, if you are unrighteous, you either get nothing or pain.
Gambling is a fool's game; I'll take the first.