Saturday, April 02, 2005

The EU is Evil

Since the European Union (EU) has formed, they've done nothing but cause major headaches for everyone. I mean it; they introduce "the Euro," and all of a sudden inflation doubles here in Germany, for example. But nobody can bring them down, because they're all mad with power, as can be seen in this babyish action they are attempting: The EU is putting "sanctions" on US items. For the particularly slow, that means that they're going to stop buying from the United States in punishment for Washington not repealing an antidumping law.
Who gave the European Union the power to do this? I know I didn't vote on it, and I don't remember any sort of election in the United States over what laws the European Union could impose on the United States. As far as I could tell, they weren't our bosses.
But it seems the EU thinks they have the power and right to boss the US around, just because the law came from the World Trade Organization. Washington is doing their best to come up to par with the WTO laws, but as Richard Mills says in this quote from,
"The United States is working to comply with the WTO decision regarding the Byrd Amendment," Mills said. "It's important to remember that the WTO decision in the dispute does not affect our underlying trade laws. The United States will continue to vigorously implement our trade laws to make sure Americans are treated fairly."
That's not going to stop the EU, though. They think they can just use the World Trade Organization to enforce laws on the US that will screw Americans over if its passed right away, and if it's not passed, their going to screw us anyway.
You know, the last time I can think of that this happened England was forcing a tea tax on America, that ultimatly led to the American Revolution. This is unfair treatment, and a violation of Americans' rights as people on earth! Down with the EU, stinkin' tyrants!

Posted by Hello

Thank goodness there are only 70 days left until I leave Europe!