Sunday, May 29, 2005

Things About Germany

I've hit the 10 day mark until I move out of here. I've got 3 days until my entire house is packed out and turns into another one of those empty apartments. All of this together means I might not be able to post again until I'm back in Utah. So I'll say Tchüs to Germany, and hello America!
I can't wait until those 10 days have passed for the mostly following reasons:

  • I miss air conditioning. They don't have air conditioning over here in Germany, even though they have more than their share of heat in the summer.

  • I like the wide roads in America. All roads here in Germany feel like walking a tightrope (and parking spaces are even worse)! I hear it's worse elsewhere in Europe, but that doesn't make the roads and parking here any wider.

  • Customer service exists in America. Germans, you go ahead and get offended, but I noticed a café that had closed for lunch, so I'm not lying.

  • And on that note, goodbye!