Monday, June 13, 2005

Home Again... Etc.

I'm finally home!
It feels good to be back in good ol' Utah. It was even worth the 32 hour trip to get back here. Okay, so I enjoyed the trip over; the US State Department payed for a first class trip over, with handout DVD players. I wished they hadn't chosen American Airlines, though; they tried to rip us off.

Mom: Hi, I'd like to transfer my family's baggage to the flight to Salt Lake City.

American Airlines Worker (aka Satan): Sorry, you need 45 minutes to
check in baggage, and that flight leaves in 20 minutes.

Mom: But our flight from Frankfurt just got here! I'd need
to time travel to get here 45 minutes early.

Satan: Wow. That's awful.

Mom: Whatever. Can you get me new tickets?

Satan: The best I can do is tommorow morning.

Mom: Okay.

Satan: I'll just need you to pay for the tickets and hotel.

Me: WHAT?!

Fotunately it was a happy ending, because a computer error in our favor occured, causing American Airlines to buy both for us. Take that, American Airlines!
Anyway, I've been staying with my Grandma, who thinks that a Windows 98 computer with a 5 GB hard drive and no Internet connection is good enough to keep everyone sustained in the world, so I'll be having troubles updating.
Oh yeah, and I also had surgery. I'd say more on that, but my library card's about to restrict me from further net acess. So, bye for now!