Saturday, June 04, 2005

I've Graduated... Finally!

I can't express in words how good it feels to have finally graduated from high school. So instead, I present the following picture:

The procession of events started with a breakfast in the morning where our entire senior class was crowded into the cafeteria and given rolls and meat. Then we moved on to the Stadthalle to practice walking in to that dumb Kill Bill theme song.
The graduation itself was a bit longwinded. You see, after hearing a South African freedom fighter speak about our education, they handed out more awards than diplomas, it seemed.
Afterward a few friends and I went out to get something to eat, in order to celebrate our graduation.
I'd write more, but my brother who's the same age as me is waiting like a vulture to get on the computer and brag about his graduating via MSN messenger. Cìao!