Sunday, June 05, 2005

I Found Area 51

I was playing around with Google Maps when I decided to see what area 51 looks like. I figured it would be blurry like the US Capitol Building. But when I went wandering around the Nevada desert (where area 51 is said to be), I found this:

(Google stopped hosting the image. Click here to see the map, though.)

(Satalite image provided by Google, who owns all copyrights on it.)

Considering the reputation Area 51 has for alien stuff, I figured a bunch of crop circles randomly in the Nevada dessert probably meant this is the place.
Is this creative censoring? Is it the real deal? No really, I'm asking. Let's see how big of a conspiracy we can start here.

If you want to look around the Nevada desert yourself, to see what you can make up figure out, click here.
And if you do, please either e-mail me or comment on this post.

(Update 7-08-2005: I recently obtained a copy of Google Earth, and they have a picture of Area 51. It has no crop circles. So the question now becomes, what's up with the crop circles?)