Today, Mr. Curran (my chemisty teacher) banned us from saying the word "bomb" in class while starting the subject of atomic/nuclear energy, under penalty of detention. Now, under normal circumstances, I'd say this is unfair. However, if you knew my Chemistry class, you'd know better.
Like for instance, there's this one girl (Sarah Shields) who has this very strange obsession with destroying nitrogen... like she's predjudiced against it or something (she even admitted to it). Other kids were asking questions about how they can get uranium, how to increase the power of the bomb, and all sorts of other questions the RSO (regional security office) would want to know about.
It drove Mr. Curran insane! Finally, he announced detentions for anyone who even said the word, "bomb," and this removed heaps of valuable information about explosives from being delivered to us.
Hint for my classmates: learning about illegal weapons is like cooking a frog. If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will jump out. However, if you throw a frog into a pot of cold water and slowly turn up the heat, the frog will boil to death. Don't ask too many questions, and all your explosive needs will be met.
And if you're taking over the world, may I have Missouri?