Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I met George W. Bush!

Wow! I just had the greatest day in my young republican life! George W. Bush was in town today, and I got to meet him as he was leaving!
The procession of events started with me going to school. The German kids were whining about how they were closing down the Autobahns for President Bush. I didn't pay much attention, but I did learn that my brother, Tony, and I weren't going to be the only people meeting Bush, but that my friend, Ryan, and his girlfriend, Jenny, would also be coming. We rode with them up on a bus.
Then the Secret Service went through the standard security procedures: sending us through metal detectors, turning on our electronics to make sure they weren't explosive, and checking to make sure we had the right clearance. Then they herded us into a waiting room, where we got free water bottles, free hot cocoa, and free cookies. They were all great quality, too. Ryan commented while in the waiting room, "I wish the president would come over everyday!"
Then we were herded outside, where we saw Airforce One waiting for its presidential passenger. I took photos like crazy, and Ryan begged me to send them all to him. I did, of course.
Then, after excitement over seeing Airforce One cooled down, the biggest motorcade I've ever seen came by. One of the cars in that motorcade, of course, contained president George W. Bush. But the instant his motorcade came out, my camera stopped working! Ryan was pissed, because I was his photo guy for this trip. But at the crucial moment (when Bush came into good photographing distance) I fixed the camera! I rule! I took his photo three times, and shook his hand once (as did Ryan, Tony, and Jenny).
Afterward, when he was safely on Airforce One, it taxied into runway position. Man, Airforce One has awesome engines! I swear, getting hit from the blast those things made as they taxied was probably what flying feels like to a bird! It was exhilarating!
After that, it was time to go. Ryan said, in reference to skipping basketball practice to be there, "That was definitely worth it." I tend to agree.
This isn't the first VIP I've met. I also met Collin Powell (former Secretary of State) while I was in South Korea. This, however, was definitely better. I enjoyed it immensely.

This is me, standing in front of Airforce One.

And this is a picture I took of president George W. Bush before he got on Airforce One. My camera screwed up a bit, but that's still a quality photo. Posted by Hello

Update: Somebody commented on this post, and I responded back! The link to my response is here.