In case you don't know him, let me describe him to you; he is the picture that automatically comes to mind the instant you hear the word "nerd," and yet he's dumb as a mule (he handed in an IB assignment on the back of another paper with writing still on it). He's got the muscular power of a toothpick, and the people skills of a rabid wolverine. He knows he's annoying, and yet he insists on being so anyway. Now I wouldn't mind all this in a normal situation (I am as open minded as I can be), but he still considers himself high and mighty compared to me and my friends... because he's German, and we're American. Now just replace the word "American" with "Jewish," and you got yourself Hitler there.
His main method of proving his "superiority" is that he never eats at McDonalds, but chooses a "better diet." I'm sorry, but if not eating McDonalds turns me into the albino stick I see in him... SUPER SIZE ME!!! I will not turn into his visage of wussy ugliness. But it's a moot point anyway, seeing as how Germans put chocolate on bread (they call it Nutella, and it's actually quite good)!
Another thing he does is continuously question my ethics right to my face, as if he's the king of all morality (yet he swears a mile a minute, drinks at age 17, etc.). For instance, despite the fact that I did not do my iPAQ trick to him, he comes three inches away from my face (*shudders at ugliness*) and asks me why I did it. Because it's funny, stupid! Even my victim lauged at it once (though not for the encore with my friends), so I'm not alone in thinking this. I even explain this to him, and he says that he "didn't think it was funny." Do you think I care? No, I don't. I was trying to entertain myself and a few friends, he's not any one of them.
Well, I would give more warning about what this Nazi does, but my brother needs to use the computer for homework. Later.