School's back in, so I'm back to getting up at 5:30 am, which is tied with homework as my least favorite part of school.
Anyway, before the break, me and a few friends made plans to wear the Napoleon Dynamite "Vote for Pedro" shirts Chris Rigby (one of those friends) gave us while we we're shooting photos for his senior page (a page the graduating seniors at FIS get in the yearbook to put whatever they want), just so everyone would see quickly that we are friends. I was the only one who wore the shirt.
The others all forgot, but fortunatly, alot of people had seen the movie, and were congratulating me for wearing a shirt from such an awsome movie. Other people asked me who Pedro was, and I just told them to rent Napoleon Dynamite.
In fact, the only person who saw the movie and didn't like it, I really dislike anyway, so I felt good wearing that shirt, even if I was alone in doing so.