Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Particularly, I'm reffering to a very long, and extremely boring movie here. Don't watch it; your time is too precious. I turned it off right after I heard something about mormon temples. They look like this:
Beautiful, isn't it? I mean, after all, the church has spent buckets of money getting it that way. And that's what this guy said, claiming that it seems to him that Mormons are spending too much on this fancy stuff, when they could be helping the poor.
The debate is to show the difference between mainstream Christianity and Latter Day Saint Christianity. The mainstream Christian stuck his foot so far down his mouth with that comment that it came out his butt and swirled back in. I have photo evidence that they do the same exact thing.
That's right punks, your "bling bling." You spend a whole friggin' lot on gold and fancy crud too. And tons of people waste their money on this stuff; I'd find it hard to believe that you don't spend more than we spend on temples.
Now, here's the difference that saves us from your hipocracy: ours is the house of the Lord. We're spending money to give God the best of the best. You're just spending it to hang a bit of gold around your neck.
You sicken me, hypocrites!
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Message Boards Are Good
Friday, August 26, 2005
Violence is Good
Now, there's a lot of you out there who haven't thought this through. You keep living in this utopian fantasy you've built in your head where everybody loves eachother, and we all smoke pot. First, I'm never smoking pot. Second, no matter what you do somebody will always hate you.
Given that, the only way to achieve peace is to become a powerful jerk who doesn't take crap from anybody. Let's take the war in Afghanistan, for example. The Taliban thought that they could fend off the United States. Why? Because too many of us have this hippy crap drilled into our skulls. They realize that we'll try to cause as little lifeloss as possible. However, if we were to bring back the styling we had at Nagasaki in WWII, any government in the world would think twice before crossing us. The Taliban would have handed over Osama bin Laden already if the US kicked that much butt.
Now, I know what you're thinking. If the US had the power to strike fear into the hearts of everyone, some moron would get elected who would abuse this awsome power for his own purposes. I've already thought of that. You see, all we have to do is build a robot that will pass judgement according to democracy (except when everyone's being idiots, then he takes charge like a robot should). Sure it'll cost a lot, but it's worth it for world peace.
If you know his e-mail, send this to the president of the United States.
Monday, August 22, 2005
I Know Everything
Last time I tried this, people didn't know what I meant. I started getting trivia. Why waste such a talent on trivia? Any trivia sent to me will be ignored. Send me deeply theological questions, like "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" and I'll make up an answer off the top of my head. Since I know everything, it'll have to be right, no matter how messed up it is.
This will be sort of like the expired comic, Captain Ribman.
Send your questions to leo.damascus@gmail.com.
To get things rolling, how about if I anser that example question.
Q: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
A: It has to be the chicken. Otherwise, how the heck did the egg get here? Some people may think you can't get the chicken without the egg, but they're forgetting the awsome power of radiation. The chicken is a radioactive mutation of clowns. Where did the clowns come from? Somebody bought them off Ebay. Ebay has always existed; it just hasn't always been on the Internet.
There's no way you can argue with that.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Stuff that Annoys Me
Another thing that annoys me is how some bloggers like to stop their preview right in the middle of the sentance, like anybody cares.... Ok, actually I'm making fun of these people who feel that clicking to continue reading is such a big chore.
Lazy Blog Reader: 0 n0 he r teh make me click taht r s0 hard!!!!1
These people need to be irradicated from the face of the planet. A click is not a hard thing to do, especially when it saves you time from the scrolling wheel. These people seriously need to take a web design class sometime in their lives! Call themselves net-savy!
I also hate how I was forced to move out of my dorm. My family is leaving for Washington D.C. before I move in, so pretty soon I'm going to be completely homeless. Not to mention, I had to move everything, when I had spent the previous night up all night cleaning for this stupid move.
Ok, glad I got that off my chest. You may continue wasting your life away.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Now somebody's going to call me on hypocrisy for this one. "Chris, you said you don't mind ads!" That's true, but remember the following:
1. I have a section of my message board dedicated to random ads. It's empty and needs to be used.
2. Comment rule #4 states that I don't want spam. That means comments must be relevant.
Here's an example of what was posted:
President Bush Indicted for Podcasting?
Two pieces of blog related news today centered around the President of the United States have nothing to do with his stance on speaking with Iraq War protesters, making millions by injecting Jose Canseco and ...
I really enjoy reading your blog. Another bookmark, I would say.
teenage hairloss [link removed] related stuff!
The article was about werewolves. I assume the spambot programmer decided I wouldn't delete the post if it sounded like I'd made a fan, hence the bookmark comment. Then there's all of that Bush crap. The programmer figured all blogs talk about Bush, and never vampires and werewolves, therefore nobody would notice this. And lastly, the actual ad. It scanned the post and noticed the words hairy and conditioner. I was talking about werewolves when I said hairy, and conditioner to emphasize how gay vampires are.
Checkmate, spambot! You've been discoverd!
I don't care about hairloss. Baldness does not run in my family, and I've got more hair on my head than Robin Williams has on his whole body! I'm happy with my hair!
Too bad spammer. Better luck next time!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Werewolves are Better than Vampires
Case in point, look at this guy:
What's he going to do, kill you with his conditioned hair? Or better yet, slap you with his limp wrist (which is covered by his frilly dress, by the way)?
Now, sure there's this whole sucking your blood thing which is pretty rugged, but nothing compared to any other monster.
If a monster were to bite me and turn me into it, I'd much rather it were a werewolf. I mean, look at how awsome they are!
Oh man, I get goosebumps just thinking about how awsome being a werewolf would be! Somebody looks at you wrong and their voicebox is dangling in your teeth! Not to mention you're a hairy beast!
Let's compare their weaknesses, because weaknesses are what will stop you from being the awsome monster you are.
Silver Bullet
That's it. Nothing else can kill a werewolf. On the other hand, what about vampires?
The Sun
Wooden Stake
Lowercase letter "t"
How many people are carrying around a silver bullet? And better yet, if you can afford the silver bullet, how'd you afford the gun? Only rich people can kill werewolves, and they're usually too big of pansies to do that anyway. Any idiot with two sticks can make a cross, though. So werewolves win!
Plus werewolves aren't assosiated with goths. Friggin' goths! Ugh, now I hate vampires even more!
Lousy vampires!
Click Here to Vote
Personally, I'm voting for my way, since I went to so much trouble to create it, and after all, it worked for Maddox. He currently outranks XiaXue, another blogger in my same genre who uses the other format.
Monday, August 08, 2005
Why I'm Also and Idiot
I know what you all are thinking: *gasp* *shock* *horror* Chris
admitting to idiocy? Yes I am, although not the worst I've had
recently. The worst has to be the guy who lit his own pants on fire
yesterday and took 2 minutes putting it back out. At one point he was even just standing there with his pants ablaze, not taking any action.
But even so, I've finally learned the following lesson:
Sleep is a nessecary evil.
Last night marked the first time I've attempted to stay up all night. I
did not go to sleep at all last night. I even downed sugar water to
make sure I stay up all night. I made it to 24 and a half hours until I passed out.
That means I lost the contest to stay up. Travis, I think, is the winner, with 27 hours without sleep.
This contest kills you the next day. I mean, absolutely no getting up to finish
anything. So now I ... *snores*
Sunday, August 07, 2005
The Word "Probably"
I don't mean using "probably" such as in: I should probably do this, but I'd rather not. I mean the use of probably where people take hypothetical situations as evidence. For example, there's this gem from my own hate mail:
she was probably looking at a picture of brigham young BEHIND your ugly @#% and comparing you two.
You see, he's making the assumption that
a. There was a picture of Brigham Young in the room.
b. That it happened to be in my eyes.
And as soon as he finds out that none of the above is true, his comment is thrown completely out the window. And that always happens when you pretend something that probably happened/will happen is ample evidence.
So that you know I am not being entirely presumptuous, I also present the following not related to this blog.
classic rock music is what started the music that you probably listen to today.
Am I the only one noticing a grammatical pattern here? It seems like use of the word "probably" has a direct correlation with not capitalizing the first letter in a sentence. Now, I'm not saying all people who don't capitalize use probably as evidence; I'm just saying they're morons.
Like in the previous example, this person is also making assumptions.
a. This guy listens to music inspired by classic rock (even though he said he respected classical music).
b. His comment means jack.
I mean, seriously, who cares what inspired what?
Let me clarify quickly, because I like some classic rock (Doobie Brothers, Queen, some Beach Boys, and others). The classic rock referred to in this comment is the bubblegum of the old days, such as the Beetles or the Monkees. A prime example of what I'm talking about includes the Monkees, actually.
Smashmouth "I'm a Believer" vs. Monkees "I'm a Believer."
It's the same song, except Smashmouth's came a whole lot later. But the Monkees had an awful part where they tried to pass of "De Doom De Doom De" as a legitimate instrumental. Smashmouth realized that that was killing the whole song, and replaced it instead with a guitar solo, which instantly made the song less awful and more awesome.
I'll keep you posted on that list. But now I'm tired, and I want some sleep. So in closing, I am your master.
Monday, August 01, 2005
The Frog
1. Eminem
2. Anime
3. Vampires
4. (See picture below)
"Crazy Frog has held No 1 spot for five weeks on the Eurochart. It also ranks No 2 in Finland, No 2 in Sweden, No 2 in Austria, No 1 in Wallonia, and No 1 in Norway. Estimated European sales are over one million to date." (http://top40-charts.com/news.php?nid=16407)
During my 3 1/2 years in Europe, the last two where sheer torture, mostly due to that stupid frog ring tone, which aired on TV commercials nearly every commercial break (sometimes twice), and on people's cell phones. It features a frog, with anatomy usually non-existent in frogs, pretending he's on a motorcycle with a high pitched engine (Click here to hear it, but you'll be sorry). Now I come to learn that the USA has picked up on it too!
Not in my country!
So here's my plan. First off, I train a bunch of babies from birth to become ninjas. These ninjas will be pre-programmed to destroy any phones using, radios playing, TVs displaying, or people imitating that stupid frog (by the way, I mean Batman Begins style ninjas, not anime scantily clad female style "ninjas"). Once all my ninjas are capable of pulling out a guy's heart and showing it to him, I'll find the moron responsible for this frog and unleash my ninjas. One of them will rip out his voicebox and feed it to the bloodhounds that'll appear out of nowhere. Another will rip off his fingers, so he can't do anything with cell phones anymore. Then the last one will gut him for good measure.
I hate that frog.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Another Reason People Are Idiots
SHUT THE @#% UP if all you do is judge people you are pathetic. your too busy with thinking your the @#% to see that people like you are tha reason sane people commit violent crimes. my guess is that you were once picked on so now the only way you feal good is by thinking everyone else has a problem when your the one who needs to rethink your whole life
This was posted on an associate of mine's blog (the associate calls himself "The Epitome of Macho"). It was in response to a very well written critique of today's popular music. The critique was awesome.
But apparently, some people were way too wussified to take any critique. They feel that people like "The Epitome of Macho" make the world a worse place because "all [they] do is judge people."
There's the hypocritical statement of the year. Think about it; by accusing somebody of being too judgemental, aren't you judging them?
But the cold fact is that judging others is necessary. Take, for example, getting a job. When you sit down, your employer judges whether or not you'll be a good employee, or if you'll be one of those people who can't do the job. An employer's not going to waste $25,000 a year giving a failure a salary. He's going to judge you to be a lazy mooch and fire your sorry self for incompetency.
The biggest load I hear from people like this (usually "Gangstas") is that that's "just they way they are" and they "can't change." Bull crap! You weren't born with those ugly, oversize headphones growing off of your ears! You weren't born with an iPod you destroyed yourself to make it look "Ghetto!" You did all those yourself, moron! All you'd need to do to change is take off those crappy headphones and stop listening to that awful "Ghetto" crap. It's that easy; people do it every day!
You're a failure at life, purposely destroying what intellect possessed that brain of yours before you started listing to that crap. You are the filth of society. Don't like people telling you that? Stop being that; it's simple enough. Suddenly you'll notice people stop judging you. Problem solved, idiot!
Update: I thought I'd include this just to solidify my point, since I don't even have to comment on this one.
@#% @#% is ure pr0blem u b actin like u a mach0 wen ure pr0bablii n0t n u a n0 life dat all u d0 is b @#% ppl n h0pe u die instead 0f 0ther ppl died ure pr0bablii mahh uglii n h0w da @#% u b tellin me 2 learn english wen da 1 dat sh0uld g0 2 an ESL class iz u cause u dunt n0e h0w 2 speak english n dunt even n0e h0w 2 read mayb....n by da waii n0t every1 is like u we aint dirty like we g0t mannerz @#% head...nwaiiz ima leae ure xanga cause its so0o uglii n if u rite bak in my @#% watch cause i dunt like @#% 0ld ppl b ritin in it...o01z....
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Harry Potter and the Army of Crybabies
If you haven't read the end of the book, don't read the rest of this post (consider this your spoiler warning). Apparently, almost the entire Harry Potter fanbase is crying their eyes out because Dumbledore is killed. For instance, this made it onto a Harry Potter Livejournal web site:
''Is anyone else in complete and utter shock about who just died and how, or am I the only one?"
''I am in shock. @#%, I can't believe what I just read. I spent like the last three chapters bawling my eyes out. I'm just in shock, pure utter shock."
Complete and utter shock about Dumbledore dying? How could he die; he never existed in the first place! To bring him back to "life" (or rather as much life as he had before) all you need to do is write the words "Dumbledore came back to life" on a piece of paper! No loss here!
According to the Boston Globe web site, 15-year-old Sara Sokolove said:
"Harry Potter is not just a book; it's an entire world that becomes very real to you. People use Harry Potter books as a distraction to their own lives. To escape."That's the saddest thing I've ever heard. If you really need to escape from your life, you're screwing it up yourself (especially for 15 year olds, who's parents still buy them food, clothing, grooming materials, most likely an allowance, electricity, room and board, etc.). If that's the case, you have far more important things to be doing (like fixing your life) than reading Harry Potter books.
Life's awsome for you if you think about it. We have enough money that we don't starve, few of us have to worry about being mudered, medical care rocks hard, etc. Alright, so there's people who don't have these problems and can't escape them, but they're not going out and buying these Harry Potter books. Stop your crying and enjoy your life, you pansy!
This Harry Potter's a poorly written book, anyway. It reads exactly like a fanfiction, crappy editting, script-like feel and all! Don't believe me? Compare the writing quality of this and the new book (it's an old Harry Potter fanfiction I started when I was around 13, but never finished). You know what, on second thought, don't. We need more good writers, not trashy ones, and I'm afraid the book will bring down your style. The most important thing to do is shut up about Dumbledore. Nothing happened! There's no need to cry! Just, grow a spine, woud you?
Friday, July 15, 2005
One Heck of a Street Direction
Just plow through the back of the house; I'm sure the owners won't mind! The insurance will cover it!
I'm just glad robots aren't driving cars yet.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Comment Rule #1 Explained
Click here to see cartoon.
See, isn't that little kid annoying? If only I could do to my commentors what Einstein did to the kid! Maybe then they'd follow the rules.
By the way, this is just a filler post to test out my new way of doing comments, as well as Atom Subscribtion commenting (which should have just been added). Please comment on this post, even if it doesn't contribute to jack (until I declare this post absolete). Thank you.
(Update: Atom comments didn't work. I'll find another way to make them.)
Sunday, July 10, 2005
War of the Worlds Review
I saw War of the Worlds today. That movie was awesome! Okay, so Stephen Spielberg went on his usual bout of accuracy before awesomeness, but there was enough people frying and building crushing to suffice. By the way, don't bring kids to this movie.
The movie, for those who didn't know, is based on H G Wells' novel of the same title, except placed in the early 21st century. A divorced Dad is taking care of his children, when suddenly aliens attack. He then attempts to bring his children back to their mother. It sounds like the perfect B movie, but Stephen Spielberg did it, and he can't make crap (even though he seems to be trying).
I can't say much or I'll ruin the movie, but let's just say that there's never a dull moment. It's not quotable though. Only one line was even memorable... wait, I forgot that line too. On a scale of 1 to 10, this movie ranks about 8, just because Spielberg worries far too much on realism over filling the thing with awsome lines and butt kicking.
So go ahead and see it; just don't expect it to be your clichƩ alien invasion movie.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Independance Day Is Not For Passing Out!
It was the 3rd of July (for you Euros out there, that's the day before one of the biggest holidays in the USA). I'd stayed home from church because I'd left many important parts of my church clothes back at my dorm (I was visiting my famiy for the Independance Day weekend). So about 2 and 1/2 hours later, Lindsey comes home baring the following ill news.
Chris, Johnny just passed out and hit his head. He's in the hospital with amnesia.Dangit! So I rush to put on my shoes so I can go see if he's doing alright, and I go in and see him laying there all scraped up, and not even able to remember that tommorow was the 4th of flippin' July (note for the Euros: Independance Day). I tell you, I was worried for the boy.
I waited with Grandma and my little sister in the waiting room, praying that my brother would get better, when this family who was at church when Johnny passed out and hit his head. I forget what they said exactly, except that their daughter was going to BYU in the fall. That's cool, because she's hot! To get an idea, take the hottest movie star actress you can think of, and multiply by 3. Better yet, she seemed unable to take her eyes off me. Oh yeah, she wants me!
Okay, maybe it was because I was the only guy under the age of 50 in the room at the time, but I'm not so sure that's why she couldn't look away. Besides, she seemed exited I'm going to BYU. I'm going to have to look her up.
That's going to be hard, though, because I didn't get her name or anything, due to the fact that I had a brother in the friggin' hospital at the time. It just didn't seem important. Now that I know Johnny was fine (just a little dehydration), I wish I'd been thinking more clearly. Man, she was hot!
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
My Toe!!!
You didn't want that toe, did you?Agh. I hate it when doctors joke like that. I was already stressed out enough from the fact that he was going to be digging into my toe with a knife and burning out the nerves inside. I suppose it's better than the German toe surgeon, though.
Me: OW!And the German doctor just goes on operating anyway! I felt the whole flippin' thing! And what's worse, he didn't fix it! I had to have the same procedure done again once I got back to the States!
German Toe Surgeon: You can still feel that? *snip*
Me: Yes!
I can only take solace in the fact that this time it was properly numbed. I just hope it worked this time.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
The Scaring Game
Just saturday was my 5 year old cousin's first time playing. He hasn't started kindergarten yet.
This kid was good. He found every hiding place that my siblings, other cousins and I were too big to fit into anymore. He snuck out of places we'd forgotten existed! And what's more, he was even able to slink around the basement we were playing in unseen when it was his turn to be scared, denying us many of our best hiding spot.
This was after the rest of our family insisted he was too young.
People have too little faith in small children. Small children can handle alot if given a chance. So the next time you see a child, offer to scare the pants off of said child.
Friday, June 24, 2005
The Ghandi PiƱata
Is your life full of stress? Boss giving you a hard time at work? Maybe you just failed your English final? Or perhaps you're just short on people to beat with a sick?
Look no further than the "Ghandi PiƱata."
This amazing product is made out of real clones of Ghandi! It comes in three amazing versions: Normal Ghandi (featured above), Fat Ghandi, and Nazi Ghandi!
When asked at gunpoint what they thought about our product, 9 out of 10 psycologists recomended it.
Read these great reviews:
"I used to be nice to old hungry people, but ever since I got the 'Ghandi PiƱata' I've realized the error of my ways." - Randy Podmore, Los Angeles, CA
"This is further proof violence is fun." - Jeff Albertson, Springfield, KY
"I liked the blood!" - Some smelly hobo, New York, NY
And what's more, if you mail in your proof of purchase, we'll even throw in "Lil' Ghandi Crusher" for free, increasing your fun exponentially!
So why wait? Buy yours today at participating Wal-Marts and Honda dealers!
(Note: Not a real product.)
Monday, June 20, 2005
Online Quizes
I probably should have stopped when I found this question:
14. Everyone has a right to health care, even if they can't afford itOf course it's true. Nobody with a soul believes it's not. The problem is feasability (something that many of you idiots out there can't understand). The US does not force people into a job they do not want to do, which is part of the whole "life, liberty, and pursuit of hapiness" thing the founding fathers wrote about in the declaration of independance. If everybody is given free heath care, it either has to come out of an already suffering government's pockets, the hospital's, or everybody in the whole friggin' country has to pay for that bum who doesn't want a job at all. Now personally, I don't think I should suffer just because that guy's not trying to get healthcare. And if the money comes from the hospital, they will have less money for research, and thereby end up giving us crappier service.
Online quizes are always setting traps like that, biasing you toward one point of view or another, so that whoever set up the friggin' thing's opinions ultimately come out on top.
That's not cool. Stay away from online quizes.
(I'd give more examples but I don't want to bore you any more.)
My Political Profile | ||
Overall: 65% Conservative, 35% Liberal | Social Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal | Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal |
Fiscal Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal | Ethics: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal | Defense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal |
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
- She's willingly participating in a show where she cheats on her husband.
- She's doing the above for $50,000 dollars (greed).
By the way, I welcome vegans' and vegetarians' comments. But you lose suckers!
Monday, June 13, 2005
Home Again... Etc.
It feels good to be back in good ol' Utah. It was even worth the 32 hour trip to get back here. Okay, so I enjoyed the trip over; the US State Department payed for a first class trip over, with handout DVD players. I wished they hadn't chosen American Airlines, though; they tried to rip us off.
Fotunately it was a happy ending, because a computer error in our favor occured, causing American Airlines to buy both for us. Take that, American Airlines!Mom: Hi, I'd like to transfer my family's baggage to the flight to Salt Lake City.
American Airlines Worker (aka Satan): Sorry, you need 45 minutes to
check in baggage, and that flight leaves in 20 minutes.
Mom: But our flight from Frankfurt just got here! I'd need
to time travel to get here 45 minutes early.
Satan: Wow. That's awful.
Mom: Whatever. Can you get me new tickets?
Satan: The best I can do is tommorow morning.
Mom: Okay.
Satan: I'll just need you to pay for the tickets and hotel.
Me: WHAT?!
Anyway, I've been staying with my Grandma, who thinks that a Windows 98 computer with a 5 GB hard drive and no Internet connection is good enough to keep everyone sustained in the world, so I'll be having troubles updating.
Oh yeah, and I also had surgery. I'd say more on that, but my library card's about to restrict me from further net acess. So, bye for now!
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Banning the Internet
To: American PeopleYou know what, I think you should sign it. I mean, we can't allow such awful and degrading web sites (example) to continue to exist! What is the world coming to?
We, the members of UCAWWW, petition that the Internet (World Wide Web) creates nothing but harm in society today. The Internet is a cause for addiction and sin while taking away traditional family values. Our children are being exposed to filth that causes sexual tendencies and drug addiction. We therefore, demand that the internet be permanently banned from American homes. We MUST restore faith in God and steer clear of the devil!
The Undersigned
I mean, what's next? I story with a monkey on drugs? Or worse; it could get get animated!
(Note for the slow, I'm involved in each of the above.)
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
You love me! You really do!
I swear, it was like the end of one of those cheesey movies with a monkey in it.
I feel so loved.
The Calm Before The Storm
Too calm.
It feels like the calm before a typhoon. It's eerily pleasant, then BOOM! Stuff's flying all over the place, people are being fried by stepping in the same puddles as electrical wiring has fallen into, and a tree's about to fall on your house (all from personal experience). If I'm being completely honest, it feels like the plane's going to explode over the Atlantic ocean and I'll be stranded on an island!
I shouldn't say such things, since I might jinx it, but man does it feel weird to be calm the day before the plane ride.
It may be more predictable than that, though. Dad informed me of this terrible truth:
You guys might not get Internet acess.So, frustrating as it may be, I may not update my blog even after landing in Utah. But hey, it beats starving on an island in the Atlantic. Except for you, my faithful readers (suckers!).
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
The Delights of Moving
You see, we have excessive amounts of food left over that we can't bring with us (customs thing). So mom ordered me to chow down on ice cream, fruit rollups, and "whatever you want from the fridge."
I'm probably going to gain like 12 pounds by tomorrow, but man do I like this! I mean, I'm staying up late tonight (helping mom clean), and I feel awake from all the food sugar in me!
I'm going to go see what's in the fridge.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
I Found Area 51
(Google stopped hosting the image. Click here to see the map, though.)
(Satalite image provided by Google, who owns all copyrights on it.)
Considering the reputation Area 51 has for alien stuff, I figured a bunch of crop circles randomly in the Nevada dessert probably meant this is the place.
Is this creative censoring? Is it the real deal? No really, I'm asking. Let's see how big of a conspiracy we can start here.
If you want to look around the Nevada desert yourself, to see what you can
And if you do, please either e-mail me or comment on this post.
(Update 7-08-2005: I recently obtained a copy of Google Earth, and they have a picture of Area 51. It has no crop circles. So the question now becomes, what's up with the crop circles?)
Saturday, June 04, 2005
I've Graduated... Finally!
I can't express in words how good it feels to have finally graduated from high school. So instead, I present the following picture:
The procession of events started with a breakfast in the morning where our entire senior class was crowded into the cafeteria and given rolls and meat. Then we moved on to the Stadthalle to practice walking in to that dumb Kill Bill theme song.
The graduation itself was a bit longwinded. You see, after hearing a South African freedom fighter speak about our education, they handed out more awards than diplomas, it seemed.
Afterward a few friends and I went out to get something to eat, in order to celebrate our graduation.
I'd write more, but my brother who's the same age as me is waiting like a vulture to get on the computer and brag about his graduating via MSN messenger. CƬao!
Friday, June 03, 2005
"Whoops! Sorry!"I never want to hear that again during a medical procedure!
The shot is a requirement for going back to the United States for college. To the seasoned shot-getter (aka me) it's known as a "TB" test. They poke the needle into you, and then inject something that makes your skin bubble up. If it doesn't disappear by the next time they check you, you have tuberculosis. My bubble's already gone, and I got the test about an hour ago, and I'm not due back for a check until monday.
But they also have to give me one more shot (I forget for what, though).
Anyway, I'm down to 6 days until I'm safely back home in the States (my clock in the sidebar was wrong for a while, go figure). I can't wait to be home again!
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Playing God
Anyway, while preparing for the move, I found a game I thought I'd lost in Korea, namely "Creatures 2." I did have time to blog once during my absence, but I decided to play Creatures instead.
What is Creatures?
Creatures is an experiment in computer programming. Basically, the creators decided to see if they could create real life using only computer code. Let me re-emphasize, real life!
It's like a gigapet, only nowhere near as annoying, and about a million times more competant. Owning creatures is like owning an aquarium where you get to talk to the fishes. That's right, you get to talk to the things. They're not fishes though, because they can drown.
They look like this in Creatures 2:
I could give you a review, but the game is very rare these days, and a pain to get to run on Windows XP (it came out years ago). So instead, I'll link to the dumbed down version of Creatures 3, called Docking Station, so you can try it yourself. It can run on either Windows or Linux, but requires you to register online.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go make sure the packers didn't pack any of my carry on luggage or anything.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Things About Germany
I can't wait until those 10 days have passed for the mostly following reasons:
And on that note, goodbye!
Saturday, May 28, 2005
The Missionaries
Me: Hello?
Caller: Hi, this is Elder Hatch. I was wondering if you and Tony wanted to help us teach tomorrow?
Me: Well, Tony's not here, but I'd be happy to.
Elder Hatch: Great! Meet us at the church at 1:00!
(conversation not verbatim)
To be honest, I didn't really want to eat into my Saturday via missionary stuff, but since I said I would, I did the missionary stuff.
The bad news: today was hot! 90ĀŗF in fact (a very rare amount of heat in Germany)! And the church we were doing missionary work in had no air-conditioning (Germans think air conditioning is ungesund, meaning cold air blowing against you is the cause of all illness).
The good news: I enjoyed it. I had fun teaching the investigator whatever I had to offer. I enjoyed feeling the divine presense in the room.
That's right... divine presence!
Some of you out there aren't used to all the Mormony stuff that I sometimes include in this blog, but here's the biggest reason I believe in God: I've felt the presense of his Holy Spirit. Most people describe it like a fire within your chest (ironic that I'd like that at 90ĀŗF). I find it's more like a swelling of joy. Have you ever had a hug? Next time you do, pay attention to the feeling in your chest area on the inside. That's a weaker version of what it feels like.
Now I can't wait until I become a missionary. I want to share this with everybody.
(Update: The word "divine" has been altered on this post.)
Friday, May 27, 2005
I Hate Neopets
My sister's been playing it the whole friggin' day!
Neopets is an online PokƩmon ripoff. Basically, you go online, and then try to earn enough money to feed whatever pansy creature you pick. Supposedly there is a battle game, but battle seems very softened when this is your "warrior":
It's a big waste of time! I'm going to see if I can ban it from my computer.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
The Metric System
Some European: Why don't you Americans use the metric system?
Me: Because we don't want to.
Some European: But the metric system's better than the Imperial!
Me: I'd much rather use something that I can understand than something I can't.
Some European: But the rest of the world uses metric!
Me: That doesn't make me understand it better.
Some European: uncivilized pig!
I didn't care before I came to Europe, but I've been involved in that conversation more times than I can count! It annoys the crap out of me that people will defend the metric system like it's some sort of god!
I got news for you metric worshipers about the metric system:
It's flawed!
The whole idea behind the metric system is that you work in groups of ten. That's easier because we use a decimal counting system, but easier isn't always better.
Apparently nobody noticed, but there is a machine invented in 1946 called the computer that everybody uses. It can only work in binary (ones and zeros, a base-2 counting system). Ten in binary is 1010 (one in the eights column, and one in the twos column), but the problem is when you divide by this number. Computers divide by multiplying with the number's reciprocal. In other words, to divide by 10 they multiply by 1/10.
See if you can figure out 1/10 in binary. Give up? You can't; it's continual, just like pi.
Now, I know that Imperial isn't too much more easily translated into binary... so I present case 2: Use of decimals.
The Imperial system is designed so that you have to use fraction: 1/12 feet to an inch, 1/3 yards to a foot, etc. The metric system is designed to be used with decimals: 0.1 centimeters to the millimeter, 0.01 meters to the centimeter, etc. Even though decimals are convenient, they too are flawed.
Take the theoretical value for 1/3, 0.333333333... you get the idea. I'll call it .33 for now. 3 * 1/3 = 1, right? What's 0.33 * 3? 0.99. You're a bit off from 1.
Removing fractions gives you a false sense of security, and then you biff up and send a million dollar Mars rover too strong into Mars' orbit and it goes hurtling off into space, wasting all our money.
Now, before I get a bunch of e-mails saying, well, the Imperial system isn't perfect either, I didn't say Imperial's perfect. I said the metric system is flawed. I've gone and proved that point, which has brought us to the conclusion that the two systems are even in usefulness. So now for case 3: Imperial was here first.
I've grown up learning Imperial measurements all my life. You tell me someone is doing 45 mph in a school zone, I know he should slow down. However, you tell me someone's doing 45 kph in a school zone, I get a blank look on my face while I try to figure out if that's fast or not. I realize that other people have grown up with it the other way, and that's cool for them. But I don't want to spend forever trying to learn another measurement system when the one I got is just fine for me.
Having another measuring system even exist has caused problems. For example, there was a NASA Mars exploration project where the calculations were done in metric. Then the programmers programmed the launching stuff using the same numbers assuming (naturally, since this is America) that they were imperial. Needless to say, NASA lost that project pretty fast! If nobody had created the metric system, the programmers couldn't have even made that mistake.
So do me a favor, Europe: keep your metric system for yourself. I don't want it in my home country! Imperial works just fine for me!
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Writer's Block
I know I do. For instance, today I've finished my last day of highschool, and because my brain's giving out, I can't really write about it in an intereting way.
So instead I've decided to write about pandas... pandas with machine guns.
I'd love to make a movie about that, but I doubt the government would sit quietly if they learned I was training pandas in the art of warfare. So here's the plan: I train the Panda's, and then use them to take over.
I'll fool the democrats into thinking that I'm on their side, so they'll nominate me for president in 2036. I'll win that one easily because my opponent will be Sam Casey.
Anyway, how I get to be president is of mild importance. If all else fails, my pandas will take the whitehouse by force. The important thing is what I do with them.
For my first act as president, I'll pass a law that says all people have to be happy. Then everybody will be so happy, I'll get elected a second term. Then I'll impeach myself, because I'll realize that the pandas were communist all along. Then, I'll go use my commie pandas to take over Missouri. That's all I really wanted anyway.
And if any of my plan goes wrong, I'll take Southpark's advice and blame Canada. Then I'll cancel that show because I don't watch it. In fact, everything I don't watch will be canceled, and TV will be good for a change.
But then people are going to call me a bad leader, because a lot of them watch that stupid Sponge Bob Square Pants. I'll allow them to protest in a nuclear test site.
And I'll do more as I think of it. Then everyone will be happy, especially me.
Monday, May 23, 2005
Great Post Lost
To further put things in perspective, I have nothing else to do today.
Anyway, that's it for me today.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Movie Review: Mulan II
My little sister said that she'd seen "Mulan II" and that it was good, so when it came up on the Disney Channel, I figured I should give it a shot.
I've never seen a more predictable movie. I mean, you could tell that Ling, Yao, and Chien-Po would get together with the princesses almost from the moment you could see that there were three princesses. I'll admit, the scene were Shang fell off the bridge had potential to redeem the movie, but only if the guy stayed dead! Instead, his horse goes sniffing around and finds Shang in a watering hole, suddenly emmerging from the water and gasping for air. Like that's never been done in a movie before!
Now this isn't why I hated the movie so bad; every cheesy Disney sequal has been exactly the same. What made this one bad was the theme, which Mulan says in this line:
I know our duty is to the mission, but I have another duty... to my heart.
Let's say that again, except this time without Disney's crap in it:
I know I have a responsibility, but what I want is more important.
Mulan was willing to start a war because she thought what she wanted was more important. Great thing to teach the kids, morons! That's just what we need: more self-absorbed and disobedient children.
What are the Disney people thinking?
Saturday, May 21, 2005
The Brownies
"The diamond in my wedding ring is missing. I think I may have dropped it in the brownies."
Sounded like she was trying to pull one over on me. This sounds like the kind of thing that happens on sitcoms, not real life. But she showed me her wedding ring with the missing diamond.
"I'll give ten bucks to whoever finds it."
Then she just walked off. So I told everyone what Alex's mom said, and they sifted through the brownies.
We heard an occasional, "I found something hard," but it always turned out to be a crusty part of the brownie.
The funny thing was, we got to the point where there was only one left, and nobody wanted to eat it. It's like they were afraid of the diamond or something.
Well, we didn't find it in the end. Though it seemed like my brother was swallowing big bites. I wonder...
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Star Wars: Episode III Review
But enough about what I did; let's get to the movie.
The movie was pretty good, but the only "jokes" were all pathetic. I think one of them was how over-hyped General Grievous was. Through the whole movie, the guy sounded like he needed an inhaler. His first line consisted of him coughing. Not talking, coughing. There was only one good "joke" in the whole movie, which was really just R2D2 lighting other robots on fire. I don't think other people found it quite as funny as I did.
It's fine, though; the movie wasn't made to be funny. It was made to be a tragedy, and fulfils that through their total destruction. Anikan burns alive, about 20 people are decapitated (many of them Jedis), General Grievous' heart is blasted into oblivion, and little children being sliced, diced, and otherwise obliterated on screen. This is not a movie for the weak, but they should get over it and see the movie anyway.
So, I guess I suggest it. Just be ready first.
(Disclaimer: That first comment was a joke; I sliced nobody. Those half corpses were already dead when I got there. *shifts eyes*)
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Nintendo Revolutions
Yep, Nintedo's outdone themselves again. The new Nintendo Revolutions has the ability to make CDs float in the air. I wonder if it plays games, too?
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Okay, so it was only in my right ear. My ear ruptured or something and filled my ear with earwax and junk. Anyway, it wasn't better today, so I had to go in and get it fixed. The problem was that the doctor's appointment wasn't unil 2:30 pm, and I had nothing really to do until time to visit the doctor's office. So, I decided to check my e-mail.
Turns out I ticked off "chillig_alla" when I blocked him from e-mailing me. He signed me up for multiple immoral and embarassing spam subscriptions. Thank goodness I have Gmail, or this could have been a serious problem. With Gmail I can automatically filter these out... and return them to "chillig_alla." *evil laugh*
Okay, so I'm not being that mean yet. I figured I ought to issue one more warning first. But if it's not cancelled by tommorow, I'm setting up that filter (consider this your official warning, "chillig_alla").
Anyway, back to my ear. I'll spare you the details because I doubt anyone cares, but they tried to fix it and failed. So now I'm jugging down Cipro until I get better. As long as I don't wake up deaf anymore, though, I don't care.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Takin' A Break
So, until my next post, TchĆ¼s! Bis spater!*
*translation: Bye! See ya later!
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Track and Field
My parents asked me to support my brothers today in their track meet to see if they could qualify for the DoDS European championship. I figure, why not? Sports are interesting, right? Well, let's take the last event as an example (the times are accurate; I checked my watch):
4:00 pm - The final call for the mens 4x4 relay is made.
5:30 pm - The 4x4 relay begins.
5:35 pm - The 4x4 relay ends.
That's right; I had to wait one and a half hours doing absolutely nothing but sitting in the rain just to watch a five minute race. By the way, if anyone from Yahoo Weather is reading this, light rain my butt! It was a friggin' downpour in Kaiserslautern!
But on the optimistic side, the race was very good. It almost made up for the long wait.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
First Q&A
hey chris,I should have been more clear when I issued that challenge. It wasn't an invitation to trivia, and from now on I'm not accepting any trivia. Trivia's boring.
so i guess u kno all the answers to everything. ok lets see. who was nicolo machiaveli, what was the title of his most famous piece of literary work, what was its intended use, who did he write it for, and what was his most well-known piece of advice, derived from this literary work?
if u could clear these things up for me, without looking them up in some book, website, or any other source other than your huge [profanity] brain, then that would be just great.
however, if u wish to respond with sum overly-patriotic [profanity], like: "[vulgarity towards Europeans]" or "GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! [vulgarity concerning republicans]!!!" then that will just prove how extremely ignorant u relly are.
but hey, didnt mean 2 sound 2 harsh there. [vulgarity] ... jus read up a lil before u say dumb [profanity], huh
I'll provide an answer for this one, though. Nicolo Machiavalli (in the letter is was spelled it with one too few l's) was a character in a novel called, "Like I Give a Crap." In this novel, he was a writer who wrote the unbelievable success, "Capatalize Or You Look Like A Moron." It was intended for the people in the city called "Why The Crap Do You Even Care?" to locals, but "It Doesn't Matter" officially. His most well known piece of advice is, "Don't make me angry."
Here's my source, just in case I'm being to subtle.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Answer Man
Monday, May 09, 2005
The Chicken
Just one quick question: why did the chicken cross the road?
The Link Owns You
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Star Wars Release
Take that, losers!
The Link Owns You
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Star Wars Trailer
That's too fake to be fake, don't you think?
For those interested in seeing it right away, I'm streaming it below. It's set not to run until you click play. By the way, I'm not responsible for any offensive language/material you find in it, because I didn't make this.
(Update: Don't read this update if you know little about computers. I had to increase the size of the movie for two reasons. First, because I was using a file type only supported by Windows, and had to switch to one that multiple platforms could handle. Second, windows media player is screwed up and won't let me turn off autoplay in Firefox, so I had to switch to Quicktime to allow it. Dumb Microsoft.)
Friday, May 06, 2005
Solar Death Ray
Finally, they're doing something useful with solar power. Follow the link below to learn more. If you can find anything cooler than this, please let me know.
The Link Owns You
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Exam Proctors: The Stupidest form of Life
My day started by reading the "Pocket Dictionary to Signing," and memorizing the manual alphabet, all while waiting to be let into the exam. The teachers came, so when I saw they were looking, I hurriedly put it away to arise suspicion. Once taking the exam, I started manual signing words behind me, picked up my test and flashed it in morse code... crap, pretty much the only thing I hadn't done was scream out the answers.
No teacher even considered that I might be cheating. Interesting, no?
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Oh Crap, No!
Smart cars, for those of you still safe at home in the US of A, are bred in Europe, hillariously ugly cars that look like they've been chopped in half.
I can see how they'd be popular in Europe; they have the unique ability to perpendicular park in a paralell park zone. But man oh man is that thing ugly! I hope it never, ever catches on in America.
And the weird part: I think my Dad gave the guy who's doing this his Visa.
The Link Owns You
Monday, May 02, 2005
I'm the Blog of the Day
I especialy love my fake conversation included in the review:
"Hey, what have you been doing lately?"No you won't, loser!
"Oh, check out my blog, it's all on there."
"OK, I will! What's it called?"
"Just Read It."
"Well, I will do if you tell me the name of it."
"Just Read It!"
"OK, OK! I will read it, but what's it called???"
"Just Read It!"
"Sheesh, I'm not psychic you know. I mean, forget it. I'll read someone else's blog instead."
Anyway, I'm glad my new blog title is living up to the old one (#1 Blog in the World). By the way, this blog that linked to me lives up to each of the 10 Commandments of Blogging. You might want to give them a read.
The Link Owns You
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Star Wars: Episode III | A Hero Falls Music Video
This music video is probably just like seeing the movie.
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Music Video
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Capatalize, people!
That's all for today.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Hewlett Packard is Crap, part II
The screen is displaying only multi-colored lines, similar to what has happened in the past when I've run magnets over old PC monitors that I don't use anymore (too see what happens). It didn't come in contact with any magnets, but rather broke while I was carrying it in my pocket while walking my dog (it worked before then). I submitted it to neither pressure nor magnets while walking my dog.They sent back an e-mail today. It was chaulk full of bull!
This is not the first time I've had this problem with this product. I returned an older iPAQ to the store due to the same problem.
Dear HP Customer,Let's pretend I care.
Thank you for contacting HP eServices.
We understand your concern. Please note that you have reached HP eServices, North America.
In order to resolve the issue, we request that you perform a soft reset on the iPAQ. Procedure to perform the same is given below:I've tried that already! HP of all people should know that the iPAQ crashes every week (at least mine did) because of memory overload, and thus requires a reset every now and then to remain operational. They're just feeding this because they obviously didn't read my e-mail, which I re-emphasize said:
1. Locate the recessed Reset button on the bottom of the HP iPAQ.
2. Use the stylus to lightly press the Reset button. The HP iPAQ restarts and displays the Today screen.
The screen is displaying only multi-colored lines, similar to what has happened in the past when I've run magnets over old PC monitors...Great customer support, morons!
The moral of this story: HP is ripping off their customers, and couldn't care less. Don't do business with them if you know what's good for you.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Hewlett Packard is Crap
Behold, the iPAQ, now dead after just barely passing its warrany expiration date. The screen's going fruity on me, making the device inoperable. And what crime did I commit to cause it such irreprable harm? Nothing! I didn't drop it, I didn't scratch it, I didn't run a magnet over it, I didn't harm it in any way, and it just friggin' breaks on me (meaning $350 wasted on a few months of iPAQ goodness)!
I want to return the thing to the store, but the store won't take it back. I already returned one iPAQ for the same exact problem as this one, and they don't believe me that it's HP's fault these things are braking like this.
It's almost like HP designed these things to brake! In fact, I also remember our family owning a desktop by Hewlett Packard that they told us broke because something came loose when we put it on the table! Every Hewlett Packard product I've ever used has failed me in some way!
So I checked their website for their mission statement (to see if they were ripping off their customers on purpose); they didn't even have it available to read. Suspicious.
I'm doing all computer business with someone else from now on.
(Note: To add the above picture to your web site, use the following HTML:
<a href = "http://cfrahm.blogspot.com/2005/04/hewlett-packard-is-crap.html"> <img src = "http://photos1.blogger.com/img/232/2936/200/untitled.jpg"></a>Enjoy.)
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Cats are Evil
Cats scare the crap out of me. Something about them is just... unsettling.
I was watching a cat once. I held a string out, and it started batting it. I thought it was cute, but then the thing started biting it, and not just chewing on the end, but biting more up and up toward my fingers. I dropped the string to let it play with it, but it ignored the string and continued coming after me.
Cats want to hurt you. They will kill you in your sleep. My grandmother's cat, for example, tried standing on my chest to collapse my lungs while I was sleeping. My grandma doesn't believe me, but I swear it's true.
Don't let the cats win! Fight back against the cats!
Wow! This is different!
Monday, April 25, 2005
The New Blog
- Why I should rule Missouri.
- My
faketheories about the universe. - The ethics of smoking monkeys.
- Etc.
and this blog will no longer be called the "#1 Blog in the World" (except by my fans, like those kids in Korea who wanted my autograph). Instead it will be officially called, "Just Read It." I figure it'll make less people fear my blog like the insecure little bloggers they are.
Also, I'm changing the background color back to black so my blog will be easier on the eyes. I'll try to keep the general style of the thing, but the blog's looking kind of cluttered anyway, so I think some cleaning is in order stylewise.
Anyway, that's my hopes for the near future. Invest in my blog!
When Skydiving isn't Enough...
The Link Owns You
Sunday, April 24, 2005
I may have to rework my whole blog if I start, though. I've recently begun to wonder, maybe the whole "self conceted" thing I have going isn't being recieved as funny as
Any comments about this would be appreciated, or you can even e-mail me about it. But until then, you punks will just have to get used to it.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
What The... They're Selling My Blog?
Fat = Healthy
By the way, the link to the article I'm referring to is below.
(Update: It seems you can only read the article directly from my blog if you have a subscription tothe New York Times web site. I don't have one. I got to the article by preforming this search.)
Friday, April 22, 2005
Smoking Chimpanzee
The link to the news article with the monkey is below. But if you want to go straight to the movie with said monkey, click here.
IB Exams = Free Time For Me
May 19th is one of those days, so I think I'm going to skip and go see the following movie:
The only PG-13 rated Star Wars movie. And guess what else? I can actually go to this thing at midnight on May 19th, which is six hours before midnight May 19th in the US. Since I get to see the movie early, I'm going to go to a Star Wars fansite and ruin the first PG-13 Star Wars movie for everyone, because I'm a jerk.
I love having no school.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Google Spies
But privacy rights expert Pam Dixon is worried [Google saving your search history] will make it easier for mischief makers, snoops and perhaps even the government to get their hands on a user's entire search history.Personally, I don't think you have anything to worry about if you're not doing anything illegal anyway (especially with the government). Besides, they can already find most of that information in your cookies. And it's not like Google's forcing you to let them keep track of your search history.
Anyway, that's all from me for now. I'm too tired tonight to post anything else.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
It's Just A Movie!
And I would have today... if certain athiests knew how to shut their friggin' trap!
A certain guy walks in and starts yammering about how this movie is "religious dogma" (ironically, mere minutes after Jim Carey finished flipping somebody off), and how they're trying to brainwash us.
Guess what?
The movie is not meant to be taken seriously! I mean, for cryin' out loud, Jim Carey uses his "God powers" to make a monkey come out of somebody's butt! Just let me watch the movie for pity sakes!
Man, people are idiots!
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Monday, April 18, 2005
Iranian Soap Opera
First Half: http://switch3.castup.net
They used French people to play the American troops. Subtle, isn't it?
(Note: Don't take this too seriously; it's propaganda. Also, if you want to keep watching for updates, the site they're from is in the link below.)
My favorite line is:
"What do I should with them, sir?" - American Soldier
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Old Friend
Saturday, April 16, 2005
When Not to Air Guitar
Anyway, yesterday Dad bought a Doobie Brothers CD and started playing it in the car. Surprisingly, the Doobie Brothers were actually a solid band (despite the name). I dare say I liked the music. That is, until it caused Dad to air guitar while driving on the Autobahn... in the fast lane... and the car started veering to the left!
So I offer this little piece of wisdom: never air guitar while driving at speeds of over 80 mph.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Leo and Gemini
Just to clarify, though, I did not really make the music. I stole it from OverClocked Remix.
(Tech Assistance: If the trailer seems stuck at the loading screen it probably is, and if so, right click on it and select "forward" to get to get past it.)
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Burn, Baby Burn!
*evil laugh*
My partner and I set up the experiment, doing everything exactly as we were told to do it to start; we mixed the chemicals properly, then heated them to approximately 360 degrees Celsius. But we were told to drop the test tube with the chemicals into the contained area (a flask of water), and my partner decided to dunk it instead (even pulling the stuff out).
350 degree Celsius dust flew into the air, ultimately landing and burning a hole through my notes and charring my backpack (it was worth it). Nobody got hurt, thankfully, so I'm not earning myself a trip to the psychiatrist by saying that was totally awsome!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
As Promised...
Notes about the movie:
I made this movie, and the copyright at the bottom of the page applies to it. Feel free to link to it, but don't go telling people you made it, or you may find an assassin in your bedroom one night.
You think I'm kidding, don't you? Well, you're right, but I'll still be ticked!
By the way, I slightly remixed a Disney song for the background (namely "you Ho, a Pirate's Life for Me"). I got the mp3 to slightly remix from Bethesda and Disney's game "Pirates of the Caribbean."
While the movie is about a real event, the opinions have been exaggerated. I'm just saying that so my friends don't get in trouble for what they say/do in the movie. I mean, one of them would have to go see a psychiatrist if this were true, but I assure you he's faking it.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Stupid Host!
Word of wisdom: never ever put together a whole movie in one day (mine was 1 minute and 30 seconds long, and it took me from 5:30 am to 8:00 pm to make). I'm not meant to vlog!
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Successful Trial
I know what you're thinking... "What the heck are you talking about Chris? It's just video editing software. Why does that need a trial run?" It doesn't. The problem is I'm trying to make the #1 Blog in the World without spending any money on it that I didn't actually spend on something else. That means I had to make sound videos without a sound video camera.
Yep, I can do that. Wanna know how? (If not, skip the next two paragraphs).
I got a cheap $29.99 digital camera from Wal-Mart (the last time I was in the United States) that does silent .mov movies. But I also have an iPAQ (Hewlett Packard Pocket PC) that takes sound memos in .wav sound format. I also have Windows XP with Windows Movie Maker.
The first thing I needed to do was convert the silent movie into something I could work with in Windows Movie Maker (it doesn't do .mov files, because they're apple files). So I found some online file conversion software, edited it for my needs, and finally converted the .mov file to a .avi file. After that, I loaded the .avi file into Windows Movie Maker and meshed the sound file over it.
The movie's really low quality, but that's fine; it just means my blog is iPAQ friendly. I'm not loading the movie file onto the blog (the movie plays like a test, meaning it's awful), but at least I know I'm capable of it for tommorow. I'll post if I get material. Anyway, my point is I rock!
Saturday, April 09, 2005
I've Been Beat!
Well, technically it might not count as a blog, sicne it's a vlog (video weblog), but that's not an excuse! I hereby swear to start video blogging, thus reclaiming the title google gave me!
Now if I could just remember where I put my video editing software...
Friday, April 08, 2005
Until proven or disproven scientifically, the concept of God is an 'individual-specific reality': if one's reality necessitates the presence of God, He exists. (source)What the flip is that supposed to mean? Either something exists or it doesn't, no matter what you believe.
Take for instance if some guy were to suddenly believe he had gills. According to this essay, the guy should be able to breathe underwater. Bull; he drowns! Either he has gills or doesn't; and if he doesn't then he can't breathe underwater.
People keep trying to analyse the religious, but it's a waste of time.
Whether God exists or not (I believe in God), it doesn't matter. Either He exists or he doesn't. Personally, if He exists, I wouldn't want to take my chances on His bad side. The Old Testament says he torched Soddom and Gammorah for unrighteousness; He could do the same to you, or He could get more creative. On the other hand, if God exists and He likes you then you're set! All it will require is to keep righteous (not really a hard task), and rectify times you mess up. If you do that, you either get nothing or power from on high. On the other hand, if you are unrighteous, you either get nothing or pain.
Gambling is a fool's game; I'll take the first.
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Napoleon Dynamite Mixup?
Click on the link below to find it.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
McDonalds, an Oppressed People
1. McDonalds has made the world fat.
2. America consists entirely of McDonalds resteraunts.
3. The world's obesity is somehow my fault.
First off, let me clear up that McDonalds food is awful (especially here in Germany). The "Chicken McNuggets" don't contain any actual chicken, the buns are all stale, the Happy Meal prizes are cheap toy imitations (but kids still make tons of noise with them), the cups tend to fall apart... the list goes on.
McDonalds' low quality aside, saying that they're making the world fat by increasing the size of food is ridiculous; McDonalds is not the only people who are increasing portion size. Take the European product Nutella (an inexpensively made chocolate spread), for example:
The Nutella on the left is last year's size, and the one on the right is this year's. The one on the right contains at least twice as least twice as large. Personally, I think upping the amount of chocolate one eats on things would tend to increase their weight by much more than a sandwich and some deep fried potatoes.
Now, some of you may be thinking, "But wait a minute; that's at home, so nobody's forcing you to eat it all," but nobody's forcing you to eat everything you order at McDonalds either. You can take it to go, eat as much as you want, and then take home what you don't want to eat right away in a convenient little bag they provide if you order "to go."
My point is that McDonalds isn't alone in their decision to make their menus bigger, and nobody's forcing anybody to overeat. Thing is, people wanted bigger meals, and lots of food companies responded. So why should McDonalds and America be picked on? They're not any different from anybody else.
At least I'll be away from most of the whining in 66 days.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Temporary Distraction
(This picture is best viewed in Firefox.)
[image removed to lessen its bandwidth, and make it acutally available]
A friend of mine sent this to me. I have no idea where it's from, but I deemed it blog-worthy.
Monday, April 04, 2005
The 10 Commandments of Blogging
Anyone who has been around the blogosphere knows by now that a ton of the stuff out there is total garbage. It's hardly surprising, with all the rotten blogs in the blogosphere, that my blog's claimed all of the fifteen spots when Googling "#1 Blog in the World." (Note: Forum searches have been excluded. Forums are just a bunch of pimply faced highschoolers who wouldn't know a good blog if it came up and bit them.)
So, what's the key to my success? Well, they're what I like to call the 10 commandments of blogging. Follow them, and your blog will also reach the top.
- Thou shalt not "lol." "LOL" gains my nomination for the most annoying Internet acronym ever. People generally use it to mean, "I am funny," but they rarely are before using it. In fact, don't use any Internet acronyms, period. They make you look like an idiot, and drive people away. If you have to express a laugh or emotion, do it like this: *laughs*.
- Thou shalt capitalize, stupid! Never, ever leave the letter "I" in the lowercase if left on its own, and never leave the beginning of a sentence in the lower case. It gives people the impression you don't spend enough time on them to give them a good blog (and if you aren't capitalizing, chances are they are right).
- Thou art always right! The instant you back down from anything, you lose credibility. Never retract statements, even if you are wrong (try not to be wrong). If you can't think of a way to discredit your critics, just ignore them until they go away.
(Please note: I am not encouraging libel. I'm just saying that blogs are more interesting if people defend their opinions rather than blowing with the wind like a leaf. Leaves suck at blogging.) - Thou shalt make everything matter which proceedeth from thy keyboard. People read blogs in the hopes of finding out something. Never talk about everyday occurrences unless there is something unusual about them (otherwise, the fact that you did them will be pointless). For instance, the sentence, "I slept," does not belong on a blog unless immediately followed by something to the effect of, "and while sleeping, I was burned for witchcraft." Also, make sure your sentences contain some form of information on them. For example, the sentence "The weekend was ok," is a huge mistake. If you are writing about your weekend, we should be able to tell from the rest of the writing.
- Thou shalt not swear. This one's more of a courtesy thing than a solid rule; there are some blogs out there which are really awesome, but still manage to drive religious and other moral-minded people away because they swear. You'll have a bigger audience if you keep your mouth clean.
- Thou shalt not give too much information. Blogs are an informal form of literature. If people wanted to read huge amounts of text, they'd buy a book. For a blog, you want to get to the point as fast as possible, and then stop once you're there.
- Thou still shalt not "lol!" I cannot stress enough how annoying Internet acronyms are! They're so annoying; I decided to devote two whole commandments to them! If you ignore every other rule, at least obey this one.
- Thou shalt update! Blogs that are updated often get regular visits from people. You don't have to update as often as me (I update every day), but set yourself a schedule that you can give to your readers. Try your best to stick to said schedule, but don't stress if you aren't 100% faithful. People tend to understand circumstances.
- Thou shalt be different! If your blog is just like everybody else's blog, there will be no reason to visit your blog over someone else's with the same opinions/experiences. Be careful to be sincere, though, because if you don't sound like you believe yourself you tend to come off as pathetic (in other words, don't lie).
- Thou shalt punctuate! It's hard to read sentences that have no form of separation. Use some form of punctuation to end every sentence, so that reading your blog isn't a chore. I suggest learning as much punctuation as possible; things such as colons, semi-colons, commas, and parentheses also help to organize your writing and keep it from being a chore (nobody likes chores). But make sure to use them correctly, otherwise you make things harder on your readers who have to clean up your mess.
And, one more time, I'd like to stress the importance of never, ever using Internet acronyms, especially "lol." They're fine for instant messaging, where you have to type quickly, but blogs are a completely different story!
Update 8-7-2005: Because I was awsome enough to make this in about three minutes, you can now post the following on your blog if it is compliant with these commandments.
If you feel your blog is 10 commandments compliant, post the following code into your sidebar to gain this button (do not alter it; it's littered with my copyrights).
<a href = "http://cfrahm.blogspot.com/2005/04/10-commandments-of-blogging.html"><img src="http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/leo_damascus/10_command2.gif" alt="My blog complies with the 10 commandments of blogging as certified by http://cfrahm.blogspot.com/!"></a>